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    What would you do?

    I had my hair cut & dyed at a new hair salon before I went away. The hairdresser did foils & base colour. I went back before I went away to have it all the same colour as the base, as it was like two hairstyles. Bleached streaks on top & base colour lower down. EEEEk! They were really good & coloured it, no problem. I have never known for my hair to be so very dry & frizzy as it is now. By chance I saw one of the hairstylists in Debenham's cafe the other day. I had a quick chat & said my hair wasn't a very good advert for their salon. She said to call the salon & ask to speak to her. I got her this morning (she's not in every day).

    Now here's the thing....she had a quick chat with her boss & he said the only thing he could offer was to give me a treatment to take home, but they won't do it in the salon & that anything else they would charge for. After this I'm not sure if I'm inclined to go back. I'll pick up the treatment & hope it does the job. I do have bad luck with cutters as I need a really good one because of the large scar on my scalp. She thinned it out so much too that she's left my scar almost visible.

    What would you do in my position?
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)

    Well, I think it's terrible that she has left the scar almost visible, Nana. Even if no one else notices, I'm sure you won't feel at your best if you feel that they may.
    If it was just the condition of the hair, I think I would be inclined to take the home treatment and never use that salon again. If you feel self conscious about the hair being too thin and exposing the scar, I think I may speak to the manager himself and complain. You probably deserve a free cut. However, if you have no faith in them, it may be better to just write this off and not return.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      I don't think the cut was sympathetic style to your problem. Like Gemini I would call at the hairdressers, get them to feel your hair and get them to say if the treatment would restore your hair
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Thanks Plant. I'll do that.
        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

        (Doe Zantamata.)


          I think I'd insist on them doing the treatment Nana. If you take it home and do it yourself and it doesn't improve the condition of your hair, the salon could deny any responsibility. Then I'd make sure I never went back there again and spread the word about what happened to you. Hope you get it sorted out soon.
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Have they got a facebook page? If so it may be worth expressing your dissatisfaction on there as a warning to others! Seems a bit odd. By giving you the home treatment they are accepting some responsibility yet aren't prepared to put matters right. It doesn't sound as if the person took on board what you were asking for and they should rectify the matter. Do they belong to any Hairdressers Association or similar organisation?


              I echo all the previous comments Nana. Let us know how you get on.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Yes they do have a FB page. I looked at it before I went. They seem to be proficient with long hair, colour changing half way down sort of style on young girls. I asked the girl how qualified she is & she said she's one of the more senior stylists although she is very young. I think that maybe the salon's practice is too modern for me. I asked her to consider my age, scar, wanting to let it grow & not wanting a straight across cut at the back. I wasn't properly listened to. The problem is that the hairdressers blow dry & style so that when you come out of the salon it looks super. It's only when you wash it yourself that the problems become evident. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all old fashioned, but I really can't find a good cutter for the more 'senior' lady. The salons seem to fall into two groups around here....the cut & perm hairdressers v the ultra modern haircuts. I can't seem to find one in between.

                I'll call in tomorrow & see where I go from there. I'm letting it grow longer & keeping to one colour to avoid that awful two hairstyle look which you seem to get with short hair. Thanks for your input. I'll comment on their FB page when I get it sorted
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Nana - I agree. I'd take the home treatment back and say you are concerned about using this and would prefer them to carry out whatever treatment is required to improve the condition. I wonder if they used an appropriate brand/type of colour on your hair - I think colour treatments include conditioning as well. If they want to charge you I would refer it to their professional Association and ask advice.

                  Once it's sorted, I definitely wouldn't go back.

                  It's hard to find a stylist who understands your particular hair and you have the additional requirement of concealing the scar. Before you need another trim, ask around for recommendations. You don't have to know the people, just say I love how your hair is cut, where do you go?
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Nana it sounds as though they have used a colour content with too much bleach and it is too strong for your hair and maybe too soon after having the first treatment,in fact it sounds as though they have burnt your hair in a way if it has gone dry and frizzy,this happened to me once when we lived abroad and the hairdresser didn't do a strand test first,has the treatment they have given you got a high kerateen content as that is what helps repair the hair in problems like this but you have to use it for a while for the hair to repair its self,before you go back to the salon ask the advice of another hairdresser and show them what you have been given by the salon,it sounds like the stylist is not fully trained she may be one of the senior stylists but how long has she to go before fully qualified ???
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Thanks Glam I think that's probably what happened. I went to a different hairdresser today & asked for a conditioning treatment, wash & blow dry. I heard it has a good reputation. The hairdresser picked up what was wrong & said it was unprofessional for the previous hairstylist not to put it all right. She has short hair herself so understands the problems. We discussed colour & she said she'd prefer to use a permanent dye without ammonia. Sounds promising. She did a good job today.

                      I'd been to the docs this morning to have an area of scalp checked to determine if it is the start of another benign skin cancer or psoriasis. Steroid cream for two weeks. Happy days.

                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        Nana - well done. I'm glad you've sorted it out and the new hairdresser sounds very professional. Good news from the doctors too.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Nana I am lucky that I have had the same hairdresser for about ten years and she knows my hair very well. She makes suggestions as to what she should do but if I say I am not sure she doesn't push. My hair is quite long but I rarely wear it down,well that is, I often wear it down but very quickly get fed up with it and end up pinning it up or sticking a pen or pencil through a rough bun if I haven't got pins or clips. She always uses vegetable based colours as I once had a slight allergic reaction while waiting for the colour to set a few years ago. The staff were great and sorted me out very quickly, it was odd as I hadn't had a reaction before when she had used that product but she ers on the side of caution now. The salon caters for all ages and there is a lovely old lady of almost 90 who has a lilac rinse and shampoo and set and her husband sits and waits for her very patiently all the way through and then takes her arm and leads her out of the salon. Bless
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            Almost two years have passed since this last report of a hair disaster. Thanks everyone for replying.

                            Well since then I have tried five other salons. I don't know why but good colourists/cutters seem to be far & few between in my area. I feel happy at the time & go back several times after, then they seem to lose their way. A few I've not even gone back to. I thought I was on a win win with the one time before last until my DD commented on the cut."Have you seen the back's all over the place?"

                            The most recent I felt happy with...again. I was nervous as she used like a cut throat razor to trim my hair. Seemed ok. Back a 2nd time for hair colour...roots & a few foils. Well, I asked for a little taking off my fringe & low & behold if she's left my scar showing😠The colour is wrong & the foils looking more like stripes than finely woven in to look 'natural' as I asked. The condition is dry & very static. I'll ring the salon in the morning to see if someone else can put the colour right.

                            Salon number 6 is booked for Thurs to see if the hairdresser can do anything to hide the scar. She comes highly recommended so fingers crossed.🤞
                            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                            (Doe Zantamata.)


                              Oh dear Nana! You don't have any luck with hairdressers do you?
                              It's bad that she left a scar exposed.
                              The right one for you must be out there. Fingers crossed this one may be the one
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

