Thank you so much. Fingers crossed we are hoping to see him tomorrow or Wednesday . As we have to travel to see him I would rather go when DD is out of hospital as the visiting hours are not very long. We live 40 mins from train station, then its an hour journey by train and then its another 20 mins to the hospital and visiting is just 2-3 . That's not taking into account of the return journeyBring me sunshine in your smile.
Poor DD , she has had the pregnancy and labour from hell. As you know because of high blood pressure she had to be induced and wow that started to work almost at once. She said once the contractions started and there wasn't one minute let up in them, the pain was constant. After he was born she was ok for a while but as she was feeding him she started to feel hot, midwife suggested she got up and had a shower , she stood up, said I feel faint and after that she only has a vague memory of what was happening . She knows there was lots of pain and nausea but all the time this was going on she thought she was in a supermarket. She didn't see doctors and midwives she saw supermarket staff ! Apparently she had lots of blood clots in her uterus which was discovered when they gave her a scan . Down to surgery she went and under a local anesthetic they were removed . She remembers that bit because they had to keep injecting her with an anti sickness drug.
Today she feels better, she has been able to get out of bed and have a shower . The baby is happy though, he is feeding quite happily .
DD problems don't end there, because she had to have antibiotics , she now has an 'upset 'tum and she can't go home until they have taken samples and tested them. Also her blood count is very low.
We have decided not to go and see her until she is home from hospital , the journey is far to long for an hours hospital vising time.
Really looking forward to giving DD and new GS a cuddle.Bring me sunshine in your smile.