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Separate Holidays

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    Separate Holidays

    What do you ladies think of separate holidays?
    Hubby has found the most wonderful holiday. It's so him, suits him down to the ground. But it's so NOT me.
    So without thinking I said you'll have to go on your own.
    It's sailing around the Hebrides on a Tall Ship. Plotting the course, pulling up the sails and stirring the ship. There will be 6 crew and the other 12 will be paying passengers.
    I get seasick just standing on deck, going nowhere.
    So after much soul searching and discussion, it's booked. He will be 65 this year , so it's now or never, and such a good present for him. I had to say yes, didn't I.
    He was looking at it as , Going on an Experience, but NO, it's a holiday! Without me
    The first time in 35 years.
    I'm now ok with it all and actually encouraging him. I hope I'll still be ok when the time comes.
    My friend and I have arranged a Girly few days away , at a spa hotel and we're going to try the Floatation Pods and Infared sauna. So new experiences for us all. Oh yes and I'm driving out of my comfort zone, around three lane roundabouts , with lights. EEK!
    This year we have really blown the holiday budget, as it is our 35th wedding anniversary, and we'd promised ourselves somewhere nice. So I made him stick to it and it's booked. Not long haul , but posh hotel/Villa in Fuerteventura.
    Have any of you had seperate hols, and how did they go?

    I'm fine with it,when I go cruising he stays at home. His dream is to visit China to see the great wall,terracotta warriors etc .Doesn't appeal to me at all,if he wanted to go I wouldn't mind.
    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


      I went on a convalescent holiday to Malta on my own as OH wasn’t able to come with me. It was very liberating being able to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. OH often mentions holidays he comes across that would be his idea of heaven and my idea of hell. I keep telling him to go for it but, so far, he hasn’t done so.


        I found the saying , you go on your own easy, but not the actually doing it.
        My friend tells me men just think simply of going for the experience, not all the ins and outs of why. But that's just me and my over thinking .
        It's a curse.
        I would not want to experience things without him sharing them too. It took me ages to think of something to do, that I know he wouldn't do, so he's not actually missing out.
        Last edited by grannyjules; 30-01-2018, 09:06 PM.


          OH always has at least one golfing holiday abroad a year. I went with the other wives one year and oh how I hated it. I have never fancied going away on my own though.
          Quite happy to stay here and go away together later. It has never occurred to me to say I’d rather he didn’t go.
          Last edited by Grauntie Mag; 30-01-2018, 11:28 PM.
          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            When we were much younger and living in London one of our friends kept telling us what a good idea separate holidays were. Sadly she got back and found her OH had brought a floozy in to the house. He’d stripped the bed and stuffed all the bedding which smelt of a very strong perfume, in to the wardrobe. There marriage lasted a few more months but sadly ended in divorce. He was a journalist and the woman was supposed to be selling a kiss and tell story about Michael heseltine. He was foreign secretary and the girl was from an Arab country which was at war. When Heseltine is pontificating about MPs who were bringing the house into disrepute I wonder if he knows how lucky he was. Because my friends OH had an affair with the woman the newspaper couldn’t use the Heseltine story. Murky world of politics!


              We have never been on separate holidays as the topic hasn’t ever arisen. Can’t see that it ever would.
              I can see why it would suit some couples, golfing holidays as Grauntie as mentioned as an example
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Like Grauntie's, my OH goes on golfing holidays. To be honest I would quite like to go, LOL, and just read by the pool while they play golf. There are 4 of them though, and it would mess up the room sharing thing. Anyway, I don't bring her on GRU trips

                I think it is fine GJ, why make yourself go on something which really doesn't interest you, and double the cost?!

                I don't know if i could holiday alone, as I am not much of a solitary person. However, if it was holiday alone or no holiday, I would go alone.

                The girly trip with your friend is a good idea GJ.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  We haven't booked separate holidays but I have taken youngest son away on holiday with my cousin when he was younger,if hubby couldn't get hols from work we would book a cheap and cheerful week away during school holidays I used to book one of those holidays where the child went free you don't see them as much now.
                  I much prefer to go as a couple now but the odd spa experience wouldn't go amiss every now and then with DD.
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Apart from a few days away with you lot and a couple of days with his Army pals we have never actually Holidayed alone ,
                    My Brother and SIL do it all the time and love it , they have been Married 50 yrs and its worked well for them , they have Holidays together too ,
                    My Brother often goes off in January with either my Nephew or his mate , SIL goes off with her friends or sister

                    I think if its something Hubby really wants to do GJ let him get on with it , as you say not your cup of tea but I'm sure there is stuff you would like to do and he doesn't
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Go for it GJ! Does you the power of good to have a break from each other every now and again!
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        GJ - you're doing brilliantly well with living outside your comfort zone - three lane roundabouts with traffic lights are scary for most of us! So I would see this as another adventure. Are you having your spa trip while OH is away or at a different time? If it's a different time I would line up some special treats or some new experiences for yourself.

                        When our children were young we had a static caravan in Anglesey and most summers I would take them up there and OH would come up at week-ends, so we sort of had separate holidays - well at least I did! But OH often had to go away on business or on courses so we were used to being apart. We haven't had any separate holidays since then though - the situation just hasn't arisen, but if it did it would be fine.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          We have never thought/talked about separate holidays.
                          To be honest,i don't think it would do for either of us.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            We have been married 47 yrs this year and apart from GRU trips never gone away separately , just never thought of it, but OH won’t go to the end of the village without me 😧 I would if the chance came but not alone would have to be with a friend, go for it GJ I’m sure you’d love it , I lied I took DD to Ibiza for her 30th we had a ball just remembered


                              I m planning for on doing a wall climb on the way to our spa days. Well out of my comfort zone! Will be a great laugh with my friend rather than a chellendge with hubby.
                              That is if we don’t wet ourselves laughing, ( it has been known to happen when we were kids.

                              Rock Up makes climbing accessible to everyone. Indoor climbing centre where the whole family can get active and experience the fun of climbing!
                              Last edited by grannyjules; 31-01-2018, 09:13 PM.

