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    Back from 4 lovely days with family in Hamburg ,
    We stayed in a hotel very near the airport and his Aunt's house ,
    Each morning we took the hotel shuttle bus free of charge to the airport and walked the 5 minutes over the bridge to his Aunt's house for breakfast . ( 15 min walk from hotel without the bus )
    She made amazing continental breakfast spread and didn't know when to stop feeding us

    We spent lots of time exploring Hamburg and visiting the Markets and watching the daily parades , getting on and off busses with the wheelchair was no problem the middle doors floor was lowered when we got on and off and the bus drivers insisted on pushing the chair for us even though we had Martin doing it ,

    The train stations were another kettle of fish , they were shocking , almost no lifts and the ones they did have were broken with signs saying they would be fixed next year , talking to one German man who said lots of people have been complaining for a year or more , so every time we needed to go up or down we had to stand with Brian on the escalator while Martin carried the chair up and down

    You would think a engineering country like theirs would be more efficient wouldn't you ,
    Also no ramps anywhere , we went to the Marina where his Mam lived as a girl when they were bombed out, couldn't get down as it was 4 flights of stairs .

    All the trains went back to Airport so we went back to Ingrid's for tea then about 9 walked back to Airport and got free shuttle bus back to hotel ,
    Spent a lot of time laughing and talking in the bar before bed

    Martin had his Fit bit on and worked out we walked 23 mile in 3 days , no the wonder our feet ached
    We went online before we left home and paid £40 for 5 of us to travel on any bus or train the whole time we were there , we must have spent that much in one day so worth every penny .
    His cousins came around very day ,It was lovely to see everyone ,

    We took Cabin cases but on the way back had to pay for one to go in the hold it weighed that much with all the German Sausages and food we brought back

    I have put pics in Media but not sure if you can see them as it keeps saying needs approving but wont let me do it

    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Sounds like a lovely trip Oma.I’m surprised as well about the lack of facilities for wheelchair users at train stations. It certainly seems we have the edge in this country for caring for these folk.If Brian hadn’t been able to stand the train would be out of bounds.How many German people are denied use of the train?

    Glad it was such a lovely family get together.I bet they were so pleased to have you. You really are well stocked up with German goodies.


      Clover its 5 years since we were able to go so it was a very big thing for them all and for our Martin to go too they were thrilled ,
      His Aunt is 82 and it was a lot of people to cater for but she loved every minute , she is a amazing cook , and made all the traditional foods that we don't get very often
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        And a good time was had by all. I can see the lovey photos Oma.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          That sounds a lovely trip Oma. Apart from the station!!
          I'm sure it did you all good.

          Great photos, I can see them all!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oma - What a great time you all had! I bet B's aunt and cousins will be talking about it for months, and thank goodness MIL was a good girl.

            I'm really surprised that getting round with the wheelchair was so difficult. I had always assumed that the Disability Discrimination Act was in line with EU regulations, but it doesn't seem that Germany has the same facilities.

            You certainly had your fair share of exercise with all that walking!

            The photos are lovely and everyone is so obviously having a good time.

            (I don't know why you got a message saying your photos need moderation. I've checked settings and can't see a problem - if it's still showing please let me or Gem know. )
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Sounds like a good time was had by all and lots of lovely food. Very surprised to hear about the lack of access for wheelchairs, hat does surprise me.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                When we have been there before we never really noticed as Brian was more mobile then he walked slowly with his crutches. and we just used the Escalators , but really noticed it this time .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small

