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My holiday(s)

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    My holiday(s)

    I have not been well either physically or in the mind department. I have become a bit of a drip really so we have decided on various holidays as husband says I need to have things to look forward to, nice thought but it sure it is quite going to work but we will see (I am nit ungrateful by the way).

    1) Thursday we are off to Cyprus for five nights, we have an apartment in a resort quite far out but we only plan to lie by the pool and read etc. No serious sight seeing as we did that last year

    2) October we are going to do a long weekend in Bath, it was where my last family home was and my brother and his family still live there. Husband has never been a tourist in Bath and I have not been there for 12 or so years so I expect everything will have changed

    3) November we are going to my beloved Barbados for two weeks. It was husbands turn to choose this year and I fully expected something like shark cage diving but bless him he chose Barbados just for me. We have a one bedroomed garden cottage next to the pool and we have been told by the resort that there are few children that that time of year (I was concerned about early morning screeching playing in the pool, misery guts aren't I?)

    4) Booked some time off in March but haven't decided where to go, prob. Tenerife or somewhere.

    5) have vouchers for murder mystery weekend which we need to organise before August next year

    when we are in Cyprus we are going to meet up with a cousin of mine who is also on holiday there. I haven't seen her since she was a child and she is grandmother of two now!! As you know we have friends in Barbados although unfortunately the husband is quite poorly having been suffering with a brain tumour. He is in hospital at the moment. He is insisting on our usual weekend meal with him and all the family despite us saying that we would rather take them all out. We know a place where we can use a pool and pay per head for a BBQ and with four children that would be good. I am talking with his wife over messenger and we will see what happens. The guy is as strong as an ox usually so everyone thinks he will beat it! He hasn't been right since he got struck down with that mozzie Zika virus about three years ago.

    My sister and her family are in Florida. Virgin couldn't get them out. They are inland at an apartment hotel with an internal kitchen and the hotel and security have been around and boarded windows etc. They have been told that if it hits they have to go into the kitchen which did not previously have a door but has now and has a mattress behind it. Sister is all blasé about it but I am not sure. Neither am I sure that she and her husband were quite sensible to go outside in the rain and wind albeit not hurricane force in plastic ponchos to take pictures! They wee due back on Tuesday but say they don't think they will be now. I have heir car on my drive and their keys so will have to sort something out if they are not back on Wednesday or they will be stranded here!

    Some friends in Barbuda which has been wiped out with the hurricane are on their way to Barbados by what they are referring to as a "refugee boat" our other friends have found them a holiday let that has been donated and clothes, toiletries etc. We have transferred some money to them, it is not a lot only £150 but every little helps as they say.

    So other than that I am hoping by October to be taking 2 x four day weekends which could give us scope, his shifts permitting, to do other juants. I am sure the company will agree to the reduction in working hours as I have my line manager backing but they move so slowly so it may not happen in October. LM says if it doesn't happen officially we can discuss an unofficial solution.

    so that is me - in a chatty mood today..... xxxx

    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

    Zizi, lovely to see you posting

    I am great believer in things to look forward to, be that a wonderful holiday abroad, one night away 5 miles down the road, or a good day out. These things make all the difference to everyday life, particularly when things have been not so good either physically, emotionally or both.

    Wonderful that you have those holidays to look forward to!

    It must be scary for your sister. I am very glad I am not in Florida now
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Even a night away can make a difference I find , When we have been at a very stressful stage (on several occasions) we have booked into a hotel overnight just to get away from everything ,leaving all our cares and worries behind for the night ,
      Zizi get on that plane and switch off let your body and mind relax lovely xxxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Great to hear from you Zizi. I really hope you are able to enjoy all the hols. Barbados sounds preferable to being shark food any day! Take good care of yourself (I sound like the Supremes) so you can try to enjoy all that's coming your way. Chin up. 😉
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          Lovely to make plans and have something to look forward to, I am so pleased for you both Zizi.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Zizi it's lovely it see you on here, having something to look forward can make such a difference and as the others have said even a little breakaway from the things that a stressing you can be so beneficial.
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Zizi - I think these lovely holidays are just what you need. You've been through the mill one way and another and need time to rest and recharge your batteries.

              Have a wonderful time in Cyprus. We'll raise a glass to you and other absent friends in Brum on Friday night. xx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Zizi so pleased to see you being uplifted by your up and coming plans and I really hope you can relax and enjoy the run up to getting away,I am really looking forward to the week away beguinning of October with DD in Majorca its to the same place John & I went to in March so I know the area well and like the place as its only for a week I shall know my way around etc and there will be no children's holidays ( don't I sound miserable) it will do DD good as she has been working hard and we can do with some mum & dd time.I must have a look for early next year and Cyprus sounds inviting we have never been there. xxx
                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                  Glam we have been there about three or four times, at the moment the weather is quite warm it early March although warm it is windy as we found last year. We are at the airport now glad it is not a long flight although I must admit my body did object a bit to getting up at 4am, I was up early yesterday too. Might have to try and sleep. Bit on the plane although I generally find that quite difficult. Looking forward to the next few days with husband
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    Zizi ...time for some R&R. Enjoy.😎
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Well this resort is more of a sprawling collection of apartments, miles from anywhere. There is a restaurant on site which is mostly Chinese with things such as burgers and salads etc. We went looking for the supermarket yesterday and the walk was forty minutes down hill, Uphill, flat, downhill and, although I thought I had spotted a shortcut grizzly bear wouldn't deviate from the original route "at least we know where it is". The supermarket was a corner shop which did not take cards and had limited stock. Tomorrow we are taking a cab to a Lidl, I have to admit I don't think I have ever been to a Lidl, not for any reason other than I don't think there are any near us at home.

                      The pool sitting was nice today, the pool is a good temperature (although I am not a great pool goer inner). I came back to apartment because I was a little bit too hot and also the lady on the sun bed about six feet away was snoring SO LOUDLY that I kept having giggling fits and I didn't want to wake her up. Had dinner tonight in the restaurant but the portions are absolutely enormous, I defy anyone to actually eat everything on the plate, had chicken noodles and brought most of it back to the apartment for a snack tomorrow.

                      Nice place, very warm and clean in the resort (although cannot say that about the area we walked between resort and corner shop thing) but you need a car to get anywhere and one of my no nos is driving while on holiday especially on the opposite side of the road. Husband hasn't driven for eighteen years but I know he will be a nightmare back seat driver (ten years ago was the last time I drove on holiday for that reason).

                      so tomorrow is supermarket via cab, lounge around the pool, full body massage for me at 3pm, snack on the balcony in the evening and nip to see what the Saturday night live entertainment is, hopefully marginally better than the karaoke last night!
                      Last edited by ZIZI; 15-09-2017, 06:48 PM. Reason: typos
                      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                        Enjoy your day tomorrow Zizi.
                        One of my fears on holiday is falling asleep on a sunbed and snoring
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          It sounds as tho' you're settling in nicely Zizi. Enjoy the rest of your hols.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            ZIZI, hope you enjoy your massage. Plenty of rest and relaxation is what you need.
                            Got a vision now of a lady on the sun bed snoring.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Well been to shop and got almond croissants for lunch, fizzy and still water, coke, wine, gin, tonic, ham to go with noodles tonight for dinner, hand cream which for the life of me I don't know what I have done with and some cash.

                              Now sitting by the pool. Have been on line and bought new undies, winter coat and pair of cream flat shoes as my other ones are looking a bit tatty, they are ballet type ones which go perfectly with my black chinos which I now use for work. I used to be all suits and dresses/jackets etc. But I cannot be bothered any more. Black chinos, tee shirts or short sleeved tops and jackets or sometimes neat cardigans. I have also ordered my Sainsbury delivery for the day after we get back and made husbands bookings for Barbados next Friday

                              I said elsewhere one of our friends out there died. We had known him for over thirty years bless him, life and soul of the party he was. He did a lot of good things like getting huge barrels of water onto his hi lux vehicle and going around the island to give water to the poor villages who have had their running water cut off by the government to save money! He also,romanised the evacuation of some other friends fromBarbua after the hurricane and osuaded holiday home owners to allow them to stay free of charge. He also helped organise clothes, blankets, medicines etc. Cannot believe such a vibrant man can be gone so suddenly.

                              Husband is going to BGI to the funeral on staff standby on Friday getting back mid morning Monday. Friends ex wife is going to get him from airport and find him a bed although we said we could book a taxi and a hotel but she insists. I wish I was going but I have something I cannot get out of on Monday and cannot take the chance of not getting on the flight back.

                              So among the sun and lovely pool there is a little sadness however we have raised a few glasses to him over the last couple of days and if we are honest a long protracted illness would have made him one big grumpy bloke!

                              Oh we also raised a glass to Brum! XX
                              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

