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A tiny bit jealous!

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    A tiny bit jealous!

    My OH loves golf, and has made a nice group of friends at her golf club, and plays really well, they keep changing her handicap

    I am so happy for her. She has been on a couple of away golf things in the UK, nice hotel overnight, meals, games of golf. She had a great time and it did her good.
    She and her 3 closest golf buddies have decided to go on a golfing holiday to Portugal next June. They booked the resort and golf games before we went to Spain. Yesterday they all met for lunch and booked their flights.

    I really am happy for her. Most of her friends still work, so that she has found this new group of retired friends, through golf is marvellous.
    I can't help feeling a tiny bit jealous of her and her friends booking this holiday together though!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    My friend's OH goes away several times a year, often to Portugal, with his golfing mates though, as she is 10 years older than me, their circle is getting smaller every year! Very sad as they have been golfing together most of their lives. Said friend enjoys having the remote control to herself but really looks forward to him coming home. Sure you will be the same once you get used to the idea.


      Its only natural Gem to feel a bit jealous , i often had a twinge of jealousy when Brian spent days away with his Army pals but was always glad to see him come home happy and refreshed xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Gem - as Oma says, it's perfectly normal to feel just a tiny bit envious when your OH is doing something really nice like that (even though you have not interest in the actual activity). Perhaps you should plan a couple of treats for yourself while she's away - a spa day or something like that.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Golf seems to take over lives Gemini. Couldn't you have gone too you don't have to play golf to enjoy a holiday.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            I did suggest that as a possibility Plant, back at the discussion stage. They are doubling up on rooms, and I thought if another golfer joined them, I could share with OH . I'd be very happy swimming and reading while they golfed 5 isn't a good number for them though 4 is much better. It will be good for her to do this with her friends anyway, we know how much we have enjoyed our get togethers!

            It's a long way ahead, I'm sure I will do something with my DDs. I think them booking it as soon as we were back from ours made me feel very envious. Especially as DD and SIL were planning a family holiday to France at the end of this month, while we were in Spain. I think I had a touch of the back-from-holiday blues, whilst everyone else on the holiday was planning their next one!
            I do realise that plenty of people haven't had any holiday, so I have no reason to feel this way really!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              No but it is understandable Gemini
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Holiday blues as you say Gem and I'm sure you will have a little break with her before she goes 😀
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I always award myself a treat when OH goes on a golf jolly. 😄
                  The other wives and I went with them to Teneriffe last year but I don't think I'd go again.
                  Most of the chat at dinner was about their games, they went off early, OH waking me up in the process of getting ready. I'm no shopper, but went with the other ladies to be sociable. I'd much rather be on home ground pleasing myself.
                  Last edited by Grauntie Mag; 10-08-2016, 10:43 PM.
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    Yes, I agree GM. I have to know someone well and like them to go away with them, and I wouldn't want to do much shopping either. Shopping rarely features on GRU get togethers

                    As one of the ladies is widowed and the other 2 have husbands, it wouldn't be much fun for me hanging out with the other OHs (if they were going, which they aren't!)
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

