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Birmingham trip

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    Birmingham trip

    Just got round to this arrived to gorgeous weather and our usual hotel, back out by taxi to the canal network and a trip on the canal took a different route from the last, went more round the industrial area a bit sad really lots of factories that used the canals all closed and falling down but G/D seemed to enjoy it and walked up and down the boat with ease.. Then a table booked at the Slug and Lettuce overlooking the canal.
    Next day taxi to Cadburys World spent 5 hrs there, busy due to it been half term but she loved it there was a magician show in a marquee, lots of chocolate of course the holography and the ride round the grotto . Next the 4D film show in the tent which I thoroughly enjoyed out to the playground for an hour when I asked her which part she had enjoyed most bearing in mind we spent 3 hours and all that chocolate she said the magician but she did get picked to do a trick with him.
    Back to hotel for meal there and a walk afterwards round the cathedral, the Square and all it has to offer. We had a corner room 3floors up so had 2windows one overlooking the cathedral and one the shops so quiet pleasant, the restaurant has changed a lot for those that have been I don't know if you remember there was a partition in the middle that you walked through to get your breakfast that has gone and the restaurant and bar the other side is now open as one restaurant, breakfast was a disappointment no self service so found it expensive you ordered your breakfast if you wanted porridge or pancakes that was it no 3 course like before. No fruit salad or yoghurt, just apples and oranges in a fruit bowl, bacon was a fatty pork bacon chop now I like my crispy bacon but none boo hoo, toast you got yourself but no muffins or little breakfast cakes oh and no cereal cornflakes or such not keen not happy .
    Our beloved baguette shop gone and a beautiful Italian cafe with beautiful Italian men to serve you very very nice. Amazing designer shops an absolute shoppers paradise after those boarded passages we walked through all very tastefully done so roundabouts and swings really.
    There are a few pics on my media one of last night at the concert was difficult to take more also a few pics of Birmingham if you look closely you can see the change in the restaurant.

    OOOO, Qwerty. I can almost feel the exciting atmosphere at the concert. It sounds as tho' you had a great time with your oldest GD in Birmingham. They grow so quickly don't they? The twins looked as tho' they enjoyed their second birthday too. I'm so pleased that you're making happy memories.x
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      But Qwerty, was the pretzel shop still there? ?!!!

      Glad you all had a good time. I bet GD loved it all. don't like them messing about with our hotel though!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Go to New Street, it is exactly the same as it has always been. I shall be there (again) 20th June. In fact I thought the staff at New Street were rather lovely. One waitress who looked after me when I was hassled by a chap at dinner and another time a lovely young who fussed around me at breakfast and made sure I was OK. I was at a Premier Inn this week in London, near Kings Cross, and when I checked in they asked if I had been there before and I told them I had been to several (bearing in mind Premier Inns are where my company book me in to) and they said that I didn't need to be told anything then. Apparently even the fire alarm test is the same time!

        It is also worth noting that if you are arriving before check in time you can leave your bag(s) with them. They give you a ticket to retrieve your bag when you return to check in. Handy for me as I often get to the hotel and then go on to a meeting.
        Last edited by ZIZI; 12-06-2016, 10:05 PM.
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          Loved hearing about you Birmingham trip with GD Qwerty, did the Cathedral still have scaffolding over it
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Great post Qwerty. Did you bring us all back a chocolate treat from Cadbury World ???

            Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


              Sounds like a good time was had. I bet GD really enjoyed it.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Qwerty - I'm sure GD enjoyed all of it, but helping the magician with a trick must have been very exciting! What a pity about the Premier Inn changes.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)

