Pleased you are feeling better ZIZI. Agree with everyone else,sounds like the bracelet was the problem.
No announcement yet.
Internet has been a bIt intermittent in the last 24 hours. Yesterday Afternoon we went to our room to rest, get changed for evening and see what was going on as there was a buzz among the staff about France and more security guards turned up which was a bit unnerving. They didn't actually tell us what was happening and I picked some bits up on the hipad but as I say it kept dropping out. Walked into the room into a complete fog of mozzies. Staff came and sprayed the room and we sat in the lounge for fifteen minutes so we didn't get poisoned. Talking to the security staff there is no specific threat and the extra security is a precaution and also to make the guests who have seen the news feel safe although there are rarely any incidences in this general area of the world. Feel sad for France as they really have had their fair share this year haven't they?
Last night had a good night of giggling and drinking gin with fellow guests. Cannot believe how much better I feel, I am sorry to have wasted so much time being ill though.
we have spent today by the pool, well by the pool drinking cocktails, it has to be done doesn't it? Overheard a woman talking, she is with virgin holidays and she has a list of complaints as long as your arm! Mozzies, well this is the Caribbean, you get mozzies, what do you expect someone to do? Walk around batting them off you with a feather duster? The other thing was letting "the natives" into the hotel. I actually find it quite offensive that she uses that phrase and doesn't think that at quiet times the locals should not bring their children to enjoy the pool. They are all supervised and well behaved (unlike two Canadian children who were here with their mother and Nanny - as in staff nanny not grandma - and were screechy and screamy and obnoxious). Oh she doesn't like the sun beds. She doesn't pay all this money to have the sun beds she would expect in a cheaper resort. WHAT? Doesn't like the food (well neither do I really but it is mass catering, all inclusive so you go with the flow don't you?) Staff are rude. No they are not, they are delightful. I said to the restaurant manager this morning who was wearing a bright lime green polo shirt "not planning to get run over today then?" He said that he has worked three days running early morning to late evening (including two weddings) and couldn't be bothered to iron anything so put this one on and it is so bright it does the smiling for him as he is too tired. He did say it with a smile though!
Going for lunch shortly. Have not been eating much usually fruit and coffee for breakfast soup for lunch and chicken and rice for dinner. Had an interesting take on Chinese last night. Let's just say I ate the noodles but could not cope with the rest. Might have another cocktail before lunch just to line the stomach you understand..........If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
That complaining woman needs to take a reality check! Poor virgin Holidays - they'll have to cope with her ridiculous complaints. You do wonder what some people expect from a Caribbean holiday. But then she probably spends her whole life complaining!
Zizi, I'm glad you're finally feeling the benefit of your holiday, and it's good to hear you've done a thorough consumer test of the available drinkies.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Plant wherever I go the mozzies love me, I should be flattered but would rather they left a five pound note rather than a big red bite! Nan thank you, it is a bit unruly in this humidity if left to its own devices. The honest truth is that although I like it long I am way too lazy to do anything other than stick it in a bun or peg it! I really should make more of an effort with it.
We are just back from dinner and the bar. Didn't eat much at dinner, not keen on the food but that is fine, had some salad and chicken. Then had a few hours with some people we have met who are a good laugh. The entertainment tonight was at least errr ...... Well ......entertaining. Most nights the singers have had their backs to us whilst they fiddle with their computers due to "technical hitches" which we have established is their inability to remove the original voices from the original soundtracks they are nicking from established artistes. Oh and also they don't know the words to a lot of the songs so have to read them from their phones! Ah well keeps us slightly amused.
Tomorrow is our last full day so hopefully a good one. Flights home are looking dodgy (staff tickets) but I am not going to think of that right now.If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Zizi - Your hair is fine as it is - as Nana says, it looks lovely and natural. I have to admit I love the entertainment hotels offer. It's often, as your say, entertaining, but not always for the right reason, but somehow that's part of it's charm. the only thing I really hate is singers who are out of tune, but even that can become entertaining.
I don't know whether to keep my fingers crossed that you get your preferred flight home or you get a couple of extra days in the sun! There are far worse places to be stranded.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy there is the important matter of the Star Wars birthday Cake for Ben on Wednesday to consider! I know if it comes to it and we are not home in time mummy will let Ben know in a way that he won't be upset but I want to be there with his desired cake when he gets home from school. Also after the getting here fiasco I would like just to sit in a seat and know I am on the way home. I am not precious about the class we travel in, if business is not available then fine, we have paid much less than people in economy anyway so if we sit there that is fine. I know staff people who have apoplectic fits if they do not get upgraded!
So BAD news is that I fell down a hole. GOOD news is that a rather lovely Swiss beach football player managed to catch me before any damage was done. A) that would be damage to me as opposed to the cute young man who is probably having physio this afternoon and getting a good talking to about letting old ladies fall in a ditch rather than hurt your lovely lithe body catching her B). Not actually sure how many beaches there are in Switzerland to play football, it does have to be said that my command of geography is pretty rubbish but .......
Oh the other good news is that I have sat by the pool this afternoon and done some clothes shopping - well I am going back into business attire after 18 months so I need to update don't I?If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Zizi - if anybody else fell down a hole they'd be caught by some horrible old bloke with a beer belly and a knotted hanky on his head!!!
If you are delayed I'm quite sure Ben will be happy to celebrate his birthday for a second time when you do get home."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Well plant there might be chance of meeting even more young men with shiny shoes as our flights home look decidedly dodgy. Husband is frantically trying all sorts of damage limitation "if we don't get on (at last look we will not) it means we spend one more night here". Ok so that sounds not too bad. But when you add it all up: to the airport, don't get on. Back to hotel. Two extra taxis fares because back to the airport tomorrow. Fly to Trinidad 11.20 am. Fly out of Trinidad 3.40 pm to Miami. Arriving 7pm. Fly out of Miami 9.44pm to JfK arriving 1am. Fly out of JFK 08.30 arriving Heathrow (at least one blessing) 10.30pm. Missing the birthday. He is putting a positive spin on it promising that we will definitely fly business class fromJFK by which time I will be too kn@ckered to care whether I am sitting on the toilet or lying in an overhead locker.
He says we may get on tonight. The fact that he has spent hours (yes I know bless him) forging other routes tells me that he thinks we won't. There might be one seat but I will not go without him.
My spirit of adventure has temporarily left me. BERT GRIMSHAW my lovely bar man where are you? Large gin and tonic please...............WATCH THIS SPACEIf you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together