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Foreign holidays in the present situation

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    Foreign holidays in the present situation

    My OH and I have just a had a discussion on this topic, and have agreed to disagree, as our opinions differ.

    My ex and his wife have jetted off to Portugal today for a week. The Jet2 check in area of Leeds Bradford airport looked deserted!
    They have rented a villa. My ex is a good cook and loves cooking, so I imagine they will stay there almost all the time, just relaxing and enjoying the sunshine. They live in a small town and have been very active in their community during lockdown , voluntarily coordinating shopping, prescriptions and other deliveries to the vulnerable. They deserve a break!

    I think good on them.
    OH feels it is irresponsible for anyone to go and that no one should be flying in out out of the UK unless essential.
    I feel they are doing no harm, and if they have to isolate on return should the rules regarding Portugal change again, that is down to them. They don't do grandchild-care, can work from home so will be letting no one down.

    I would love to be by a pool or on a quiet a beach in Portugal or Majorca! Holidays here just are not the same for me, especially as we go into autumn and winter.
    I'm not planning to go, but can live vicariously through braver souls!

    What do you think about flying abroad just now?
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Its a NO from me would not take the chance , im with S on this ,
    Same if they were doing Cruises , i dont think the sun is worth the risk ,

    Im sure lots would agree with you Gem but im a coward
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      just wouldn't go! The airports, the planes, travelling when you get there etc. I cancelled my holiday to Wales when this all started and i don't regret it, no-way would I want to travel on a boat with 1,000 other passengers. DS1 travels a lot for his work and the business he works for won't let anyone, world-wide, travel at all and he thinks it will be a long time before they are allowed to travel again. Sorry.


        No need to apologise at all Lizzie!
        I am interested in everyone's opinions. As you know we respect all opinions here, and certainly never judge or fall out with those we disagree with on certain topics!!

        (I myself wouldn't fly anywhere right now, but feel if others choose to and take all the right precautions, it's up to them)
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Yes agree its everyone to their own , just because we wouldnt do it doesnt say its wrong for others ,
          Someone i know has gone on holiday and hes just had his last Chemo a few weeks ago , now that is being irresponsible .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            No, I definitely wouldn’t fly abroad at the moment. We cancelled our holiday in Northumberland for May this year due to the pandemic. It just not worth it at the moment. Hopefully it will all be over by this time next year, but we shall see. I sincerely hope so.


              I sit on the fence! It's comfy there!!

              Seriously, everyone's circumstances, health and well-being and attitude to risk are different. I think people need to be aware of possible risks and what would be their situation if it all went wrong. It also depends on the type of holiday. Gem's Ex and his wife are staying in a villa, and sound as though they just need to rest and recuperate in the sunshine. But would I want to take the flight? I'm not sure. It would be balancing any risk to health with my need to go away and possibly preserve my sanity by having a break.

              I really wouldn't go on a cruise at the moment full stop. But if I was desperate for a change of scenery and country I'd drive through the Channel Tunnel.

              We haven't yet booked any UK trips in the caravan, but we're hoping to get a few days away later this month or next, but that it now on hold until we know how things are with DS1.

              My OH has just got back from an overnight trip and stayed in a Premier Inn (not Birmingham) and said it felt very safe. Tables in the dining room were all sectioned off from each other and it was waitress service only. The bedrooms were stripped of anything which might be a problem, apart from kettle, tea, coffee etc. There were lots of cars in the car park so hotel was quite busy, but OH said it was very well organised and most people seemed to be keeping to their rooms. He felt totally safe.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I agree with Gem if people are prepared to isolate when they return that is fine with me. I am not planning any holidays but I would go on holiday in this country if I had the opportunity.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  I really cannot understand anyone going abroad at the moment. Yes, we all need a break but at what cost. After hearing about that Tui flight last week where many of the passengers now have Covid I feel it is irresponsible to say the least. I do feel quite strongly about this, this nfection is going to be around for a long time and people jetting off abroad isn’t going to help.

                  The problem is, people are asked to isolate but how many actually do.

                  Im sorry if I’ve offended anyone but that’s just how I is too short to take any chances.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    I wouldn't contemplate flying anywhere at the moment, much as I would like to! I'm sure lots of people coming back from countries on the newly restricted lists don't quarantine as they should and so put other people in danger. When DS came back, he filled in the forms needed for coming from a restricted country, no one at Stansted asked to see them or where he'd come from, no temperature checks only passport checked. No one has been in touch to check if he was quarantining, so overall I'm not impressed by the so called checks of travellers. His plane had plenty of seats between passengers, but then it wasn't from a holiday destination. He's more careful about going anywhere than we are!

                    We're staying in a Premier Inn next week, so it'll be interesting to see what precautions they're taking. DD's company have 72 hours between letting rooms and have invested in robot vacuum cleaners which can get in all the nooks and crannies.They're also using some sooper dooper powerful cleaning stuff which kills all known...and unknown germs!!

                    I felt quite safe in the cottage we had in Orford, though I did go armed with my pack of wipes and used them!

                    I'm surprised that person got holiday insurance Oma....or maybe he didn't and has taken a risk. Very irresponsible anyway.
                    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                    Theodore Roosevelt.


                      WG just what we said it would cost a fortune for insurance if he got any at all ,
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        I agree with everyone on the risks of flying at present being not worth it, and I wouldn't do it.

                        BUT, part of me thinks this may be 'it' now. Things may never change. Do we say goodbye to holidays beyond our shores and seeing family and friends abroad for good?

                        I hope a virus becomes available, but if it doesn't, well I for one will probably be taking the risk of a flight in future. Just my opinion
                        I wouldn't go on a cruise or any other ship though.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem i think for at least the next year things are not going to change ,
                          Once they find a vaccine things will get back to normal i hope
                          Dont give up yet xxxxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            I think we will be living with some level of Covid infections for some years. Even when there is a vaccine not everybody will have it, and there will be people who perhaps can't have the vaccination for some medical reason - rather like some people being allergic to penicillin.

                            Look how many years we were vaccinating against smallpox before it was considered no risk. It's a similar pattern with polio and other illnesses.

                            So I expect we'll eventually regard it as just another illness which we cope with, in one way or another, and put it to the backs of our minds.

                            Gem - I think eventually I'd be happy to go by ferry on the short Channel crossing and stay up on deck! But not a cruise ship. The ferry is the only way to get to the Isle of Wight, and I suppose it's the same for a lot of the Scottish islands.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              What puts us off going abroad,is if we went somewhere that was put on the list of quarantine.
                              Would hate to be away and find we had to quarantine for 14 days.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

