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    This is a piece I wrote for Broadleaf the magazine of the Woodland Trust. That was in lockdown.

    Last Monday a group of Travellers moved on to the Common along with an industrial size wood chipper, high vis jackets and six quad bikes. The quad bikes are being ridden by seven year old boys with toddlers on the back at speeds of up to 20 mph and they drive them at walkers. It’s clear that they are doing illegal waste removal and now this beautiful common is littered with pile upon pile of disgusting rubbish and the paths are covered in dog and human waste. It’s MoD land and the Council have no powers. Finally the army have served a dispersal notice. Who knows if they will comply. And if and when they do it will be the Council and the Friends of the Common who will have to clean it up. I’m beyond angry.

    Almost on our doorsteps, but unknown and unexplored. Such a cliché but so very true. For me it’s been Woolwich Common, the northern part, open grassland, now happily unmown and the southern half a glorious tangle of woodland, scrub and dense hedges through which winds the Green Chain Walk. At the start of lockdown we wandered through the paths, barely discernible in the vegetation and although in the heart of urban S E London, not a sound apart from glorious birdsong. As the days of the early spring months lengthened, the blossom burst forth and produced the most glorious display we’ve ever seen. Mallow, alcanet, Queen Anne’s Lace and birds foot trefoil appeared and flourished and the trees grew lush and tall. Rarely did we meet others and we lamented that such loveliness was unknown and unappreciated by those who lived so close. By June the Queen Anne’s Lace had disappeared but wild peas were there along the paths and the woods were still dark and mysterious. The Earth was dry and parched but parakeets made merry in the tall denuded trees that bounded the margins and the year continued to turn.

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    We are having a lot of problems with Travellers in this area of Bucks. they keep moving from place to place breaking down gates and leaving rubbish and human excrement.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      It's very disheartening when travellers destroy areas. Around here you see boulders in areas where vehicles could access land, to prevent it.

      During lockdown we discovered a lot of lovely walks we had hardly (if ever) done. It made a lot of people get out there and see just what is on their doorstep, but hidden.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good idea boulders Gemini, gates don't stop them here. Our local website send out messages that they are on the move and people move cars to keep them out.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          There are a lot of places in our area where boulders have been placed.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Same here huge boulders to stop them .
            we used to have trouble by the Nissan site they would leave piles of plastic waste from Windows and doors huge mountains of the stuff , even a old lorry stacked to the top with it was dumped ,

            The council blocked any access with the boulders and put security on when they knew they were on their way , it was a regular thing , since then B & M have built on the area they used .

            These are not true Gypsy they are travelers we with no respect .

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              They're probably here to support the three who didn't murder that young policeman or more likely intimidate the judge and jury.
              Our park and ride sites were very popular and they were either there for a wedding or a funeral.
              Considering how clean they keep their caravans and themselves,it's disgusting how they can leave so much waste when they leave.
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Sum1 - what a beautiful, hidden wilderness, and you've written about it so eloquently. It's heartbreaking that it can be destroyed in such a way.

                WeeGranny's point has always puzzled me, too. I don't understand why it's ok to leave such a disgusting mess behind them.

                Here in the New Forest we are having problems with wild camping. It's strictly forbidden - you can only camp on designated campsites and they're still not open (apart from the various Club sites). Apart from a very real fire hazard, these campers leave tons of rubbish behind them which is a danger to curious animals who eat things that could kill them. It's never been a problem before in the 30+ years we've lived here.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  They seem to be a nuisance everywhere, no wonder they are so unpopular.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

