Well our holiday started on the Friday when we arrived at the lovely very posh home of MR & Mrs Daisy 
After taking the wrong exit we finally made it ,
Mr Daisy is a lovely warm funny man and very Talented Daisy has a bowl in her hall way that takes your breath away its made from a Monkey tree and boy am I jealous its magnificent .
We were greeted by the adorable loving Eva ,Oh she is so sweet
Daisy had a lovely meal and dessert ready for us we enjoyed them a lot mmm ,
Eva decided after our meal that as we were on the sofa she would get between B and myself put her head on my chest under my chin and quite firmly used her back legs to push B into the corner of the sofa hahaha
After a sleep in a very comfy bed and a shower in Daisy's high tech super duper shower we went down to breakfast where Daisy decided to set the kitchen on fire , we all sat looking at the flames till Mr Daisy jumped in and saved the day ( real flames they were
We set off for the docks and arrived on time smooth boarding and on our way .
A funny incident , the lady who checked us in was looking at our passport photos and happened to say to B oh you look ill on yours ,so I answered yes he had Cancer then ,
She almost fainted she kept saying im so sorry while we laughed our heads off you could see she was aghast at what she had said , I bet she told everyone afterwards hahaha.
First port of call was Cadiz , We did a tour of Cadiz and saw what they call the Brave Bulls these are the Bulls bred for Bull fighting , our Tour Guide agreed its a outdated cruel sport but its tradition , a very nice place ,
Next stop was Barcelona , did another tour then spent the afternoon window shopping in town we have been several times so know the area ,
Next was Lavorno and a trip to Pisa , The Tower is much nicer than photos show its very bright and leans a lot more than you think , we then sat in a little Café just off the main square and watched the horse and carriage rides go by while we drank coffee a lovely day out .
Rome was our next stop The Vatican city is beautiful but so crowded , The Pope didn't come out to see the riff raff like us sadly
but we did get to go in the Basilica ,
There was again a huge crowd waiting to get in so we decided to have a stroll down the side and there was a side door where a group of scouts were being let in , as we passed a policeman waved to us and opened the barrier and let us in that way , how lucky were we , no queueing just straight in , very happy it was beautiful inside and so peaceful could have stayed there all day , and wheelchair friendly (some places are not )
We then sailed to Cartagena So pretty , we docked right across from the town went to the Roman ruins that had been found by accident that turned out to be a full Roman Theatre within the town walls ,
Having a look around and we were sort of on the top tier when a Irish man decided to stand in the arena and sing . his voice echoed around he was very good , all the tourists clapped then he just wandered off , I think it must have been a spur of the moment thing
Last port of call was Gibraltar really enjoyed this stop over lots to see , we walked into town first from the ship , well I walked B wheeled only about 20 minutes from ship ,
Called into The Glass shop OMG the prices were shocking but some lovely pieces , way out of our price range , So much to see for such a very small island .
The days at sea were good too lots of entertainment and FOOD
We had one day with force 10 gales , most people felt ill Captain advised not to walk on deck or around the ship much it was so choppy ,
The last night we saw Jimmy James from Jimmy James and the Vagabounds ,
Poor man he's almost 80, shuffled on stage said his legs wouldn't work much , he had a sore throat so could hardly sing and he admitted he wasn't good now but he soldiered on and got a standing ovation at the end , a very sweet man who knew how to work the audience despite not being good a true trooper .
Now home to reality and same old chores
Have not sorted photos yet but will put some on when I do although I look miserable on some I was so sick of selfies and posing , I don't do selfies or posing so I wasn't happy
Oh almost forgot to tell you , B had a new pair of trousers on one night we bought from Next , he complained there was a botton at the back digging into him so when we got back to the Cabin I went to cut the button off to discover it was a security tag still on hahahha he had a huge red mark where it had been digging in

After taking the wrong exit we finally made it ,
Mr Daisy is a lovely warm funny man and very Talented Daisy has a bowl in her hall way that takes your breath away its made from a Monkey tree and boy am I jealous its magnificent .
We were greeted by the adorable loving Eva ,Oh she is so sweet

Daisy had a lovely meal and dessert ready for us we enjoyed them a lot mmm ,
Eva decided after our meal that as we were on the sofa she would get between B and myself put her head on my chest under my chin and quite firmly used her back legs to push B into the corner of the sofa hahaha
After a sleep in a very comfy bed and a shower in Daisy's high tech super duper shower we went down to breakfast where Daisy decided to set the kitchen on fire , we all sat looking at the flames till Mr Daisy jumped in and saved the day ( real flames they were

We set off for the docks and arrived on time smooth boarding and on our way .
A funny incident , the lady who checked us in was looking at our passport photos and happened to say to B oh you look ill on yours ,so I answered yes he had Cancer then ,
She almost fainted she kept saying im so sorry while we laughed our heads off you could see she was aghast at what she had said , I bet she told everyone afterwards hahaha.
First port of call was Cadiz , We did a tour of Cadiz and saw what they call the Brave Bulls these are the Bulls bred for Bull fighting , our Tour Guide agreed its a outdated cruel sport but its tradition , a very nice place ,
Next stop was Barcelona , did another tour then spent the afternoon window shopping in town we have been several times so know the area ,
Next was Lavorno and a trip to Pisa , The Tower is much nicer than photos show its very bright and leans a lot more than you think , we then sat in a little Café just off the main square and watched the horse and carriage rides go by while we drank coffee a lovely day out .
Rome was our next stop The Vatican city is beautiful but so crowded , The Pope didn't come out to see the riff raff like us sadly

There was again a huge crowd waiting to get in so we decided to have a stroll down the side and there was a side door where a group of scouts were being let in , as we passed a policeman waved to us and opened the barrier and let us in that way , how lucky were we , no queueing just straight in , very happy it was beautiful inside and so peaceful could have stayed there all day , and wheelchair friendly (some places are not )
We then sailed to Cartagena So pretty , we docked right across from the town went to the Roman ruins that had been found by accident that turned out to be a full Roman Theatre within the town walls ,
Having a look around and we were sort of on the top tier when a Irish man decided to stand in the arena and sing . his voice echoed around he was very good , all the tourists clapped then he just wandered off , I think it must have been a spur of the moment thing
Last port of call was Gibraltar really enjoyed this stop over lots to see , we walked into town first from the ship , well I walked B wheeled only about 20 minutes from ship ,
Called into The Glass shop OMG the prices were shocking but some lovely pieces , way out of our price range , So much to see for such a very small island .
The days at sea were good too lots of entertainment and FOOD

We had one day with force 10 gales , most people felt ill Captain advised not to walk on deck or around the ship much it was so choppy ,
The last night we saw Jimmy James from Jimmy James and the Vagabounds ,
Poor man he's almost 80, shuffled on stage said his legs wouldn't work much , he had a sore throat so could hardly sing and he admitted he wasn't good now but he soldiered on and got a standing ovation at the end , a very sweet man who knew how to work the audience despite not being good a true trooper .
Now home to reality and same old chores

Have not sorted photos yet but will put some on when I do although I look miserable on some I was so sick of selfies and posing , I don't do selfies or posing so I wasn't happy

Oh almost forgot to tell you , B had a new pair of trousers on one night we bought from Next , he complained there was a botton at the back digging into him so when we got back to the Cabin I went to cut the button off to discover it was a security tag still on hahahha he had a huge red mark where it had been digging in
