I once took the makings of a Christmas dinner to Qatar when OH was working out there! Got through Customs OK but when we were putting cases in car OH remarked on chalk cross on one case. Seems it was a sign that the case should have been searched but I hadn't seen it and had loaded the case that side down on trolley! If found I might still be languishing in a Qatari jail as I had pork sausages, bacon and sausagemeat stuffing in there!!! Christmas dinner never tasted so good !
No announcement yet.
I've just remembered taking fresh meat into Holland because you couldn't get certain cuts of meat there. We took the back roads from the port and, needless to say got stopped at a customs crossing in a little border village. The customs man was only interested in if we had any whisky, brandy etc, which in all honesty we didn't, so he waved us through!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Gem - I'm sure your cat sitting arrangements will work out fine, but it's amazing how much there is to organise and I'm sure your neighbours will actually be pleased they can return your cat sitting favours. At least going to Glasgow tomorrow will make it easier to get to the airport for an early check-in.
I think I must have missed news about DD3's job somewhere, but I'm so glad she has found something. I can just imagine how excited you and she will be to see each other.
The time we were going to Canada I had taken sausages and bacon for our friends, as well as chocolate.
WeeGranny - thank goodness you made it through Qatari Customs - we might have had to have our meets over there as you'd still be languishing!And then daring to take meat into Holland as well! Tut, tut!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy, you are right our neighbours were glad to be able to take a turn with the cat feeding.
Hello from Cananda
Our flight from Glasgow was uneventful, apart from some bad turbulence. Customs was easy to negotiate, nice small airport here at Halifax.
We picked up the hire car and satnav, and set off, only to discover that the volume was turned down!! We had to find somewhere to stop to sort that out, then hit a roundabout and went a bit wrong! Eventually we were on the right road and 40 minutes later arriving at DD and SIL's. We passed some beautiful lakes on our way from the airport and the 'fall colours' are gorgeous!
SIL was here and welcomed us and we had a cup of tea. We all then walked Downtown to get parking permits, then look around the harbour area. We then met DD after work in a coffee shop BIG long hugs
We walked back then unpacked while SIL made dinner. Dinner, glass of wine and a good chat then early bed for us travellers.
SIL was at work early this morning, so we have had breakfast with DD. We are all going into town again later then getting the ferry across to go to the restaurant where SIL works, to have lunch.
It is so good to be here with my littlest daughter“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem - I can just imagine how long those hugs were. I know you've missed DD3 so much.
Halifax sounds beautiful, and the Fall colours are a lovely bonus.
I look forward to hearing what you're up to!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
We had a couple of days of rain, but hopefully that is behind us now.
We have been into Halifax a couple of times, and drove out for lunch yesterday and saw some scenery.
Today we went to the farmers markets and craft markets, then met friends for lunch!
Friends of ours, purely coincidentally are here on holiday too! We only found out because they saw my post on FB! We are very overdue for a catch up, so met up today, with DD, as SIL,was working.
There are some events on this evening in town so we will wander down and look at those one it is dark.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem - it's lovely that you are spending time with DD3 and her OH as well as seeing something of NS - and what a bonus, meeting up with UK friends as well.
Is is warm or cold there? We're still enjoying unseasonable warmth here - long may it last.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Sort of like a usual UK autumn day really. You don't need a thick coat, but do need a light jacket or hoodie. The first day I wore a T shirt and cardigan, but the couple of days rain have cooled it a little. Neither hot nor cold , l suppose is what I am saying“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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