Method Daily Shower It's a non-toxic shower cleaner. You just spray in on to the walls and doors of a wet shower and that's it! You don't need to rinse or dry. It's brilliant and has stopped the jockeying for position in our house as to who goes first in the shower and who has to go second - and have to clean it! 
It comes in 828 ml clear spray bottles and supposedly has a ylang ylang fragrance - but either I've got used to it or it isn't very strong. Even though we've got really hard water we don't get any limescale or water marks. I still give the shower a good scrub down once a week, but to be honest, if I don't get round to it I still feel it would pass a Bleach Babes' inspection.

It comes in 828 ml clear spray bottles and supposedly has a ylang ylang fragrance - but either I've got used to it or it isn't very strong. Even though we've got really hard water we don't get any limescale or water marks. I still give the shower a good scrub down once a week, but to be honest, if I don't get round to it I still feel it would pass a Bleach Babes' inspection.
