So sad to hear of the passing of Sir Terry Wogan after suffering with cancer,I brought my children up listening to him and I never felt I had woken up properly till Terry made me laugh and that didn't take long RIP Mr Wogan
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Sir Terry Wogan RIP
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I wouldn't leave the house for work until I had heard Terry read one of the Janet and John stories and then I invested in a small radio which fitted into my coar pocket and I was able to listen to him on the way to work.
I'm sure anyone who saw me walking down the road laughing uncontrollably must have thought I was completely mad.
RIP Sir Terry WoganBring me sunshine in your smile.
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Lots of lovely comments om BBC news red sofa today about him. I remember when I was married to my ex he hated Wogan as I had him on every morning. He kept on and on about him being an effing Irish git. One day he moaned so much that I said that we should turn the dial (shows you how long ago it was) and we will listen to the first English speaking programme we came to. We did and the first English speaking programme was.................. an Irish channel. Ex was so mad!! I was laughing quietly inside. He ranted and raved about swopping one effing Irish git for a whole country of them. Yes my ex was a delightful man.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
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