Yet another case where young girls are being drugged and used for sex, 18? men involved. I don't understand where the parents are of these girls, some as young as 14. are these girls so out of control that their parents and the police just give up on them and I wonder if British white girls are easier prey than Asian girls as they are more protected by their families. After the Rochdale scandal I think the police are getting their act together, they paid an informant £10,000 to get an arrest of these men.
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Asian Men Arrested in Newcastle
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Plant I am so annoyed about this happening again,people in Authority knowing what is going on in their area and doing nothing about it just in case someone calls the race card why are they all walking on eggshells being too frightened to speak out.The whistle blowers are then given a hard time by their employers-awful.
You are so right with regard to young Asian girls they are watched by their families and not allowed to stray anywhere as the family would be disgraced if anything happened to them but the same men think it is ok for white girls to be treated so badly.I do think this is the tip of the iceburg as it must be happening elsewhere in the Country and anyone who thinks differently must be going about with their eyes closed unfortunatly.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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I heard a report on this on the radio in the car Plant when driving to my mums today.
They said that the abuse was racist as the perpetrators preyed on white girls as they thought them less important that Asian girls. They also suggested that this racism wasn't tackled or even mentioned,due to the fear of even suggesting this would be racist in itself, and because of being overly PC.
It's all appalling. I know some of us watched '3 girls' on TV which was about this topic.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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This needs tackling within their own communities too , its about time there leaders took a stand and taught these men its not acceptable , but they don't value their own women do they ,
Amongst them was a white women helping them commit these crimes ,
Our young girls need to be taught in school there worth too , Some girls said they thought these young men were their boyfriends then were given drink and drugs till they became hooked and would do anything for a fix ,
Makes me so mad when they say to social services , have you failed these girls , well unless they are known to SS how the hell can they do anything ? Parents cant watch their kids 24 hours a day but if your girl is coming home half cut and out of her mind surely alarm bells should be ringing ,Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oma - I once had to deal with a student who thought it was perfectly ok to verbally abuse female students in his class and female teachers. When I asked him how he would feel if it was his own sister getting abuse like that he said he'd kill anyone who spoke to her like that. He totally didn't get the parallel between his sister and other women."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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