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New laws regarding mobile phone use behind the wheel.


    New laws regarding mobile phone use behind the wheel.

    I fully agree with this. We are all at risk of drivers on their phones and other devices. Lorry drivers using anything should have total permanent ban in my opinion, Motorways are scary enough places, without drivers of those huge vehicles not paying full attention.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Time and time again I see drivers using mobile phones.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      A few yars ago when I had to get to the office on a dual carriageways I got cut up twice by a young girl who was texting whilst peering through a tiny cleared patch on her very icy windscreen! I have Bluetooth on my company car but we have now been told we are not to use phones, even hands free, in our cars so I have disconnected mine, I didn't like talking on it while driving anyway.
      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


        A instant ban in my eyes I think ,
        When hubby was in hospital my D'S picked me up after work to bring me home several times , on one occasion DIL rang him while we were in heavy traffic and he answered his phone , I won't tell you what I said to him ,it's not lady like , I was furious , it didn't matter traffic was at a stand still he was still driving , I told him in no uncertain terms that he could go ahead and kill himself but not me and not innocent people , I also warned him if I ever found out he did this with the children in the car I would report him to the police myself.
        There is no excuse , either pull over in a safe place or wait , even if it's an emergency if your in heavy traffic there is nothing you can do is there , Oh I get so angry about this 😠
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          I totally agree. I'm afraid it's a sign of the times that people want instant communication. We used to manage without . We often see people on their phone whilst driving and feel frustrated we can't do anything about it. Even if we took their registration and reported them it would be a case of their word against ours.


            Next thing will be drivers taking pictures of other drivers texting. Would be a case of pot, kettle, black. The downside of being expected to be available 24/7 nowadays even when on holiday. One lady drove us nuts making and taking phone calls whilst sitting around the pool. Thankfully she was only there for 4 days - you would think the world could have managed without her for that long. The French have brought in a law prohibiting bosses expecting their workers to pick up phones after hours etc. Excellent idea.


              i agree with al that has been said.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                I'd add cyclists to that law as well.

                I think anyone caught using a mobile phone should have to resit their driving test - theory and practical! And be banned from ever having an HGV licence. The trouble is there aren't enough police around to enforce any law!
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I did a national road safety week presentation to primary school children at Battersea Power Station about three years ago and part of that was the use of headphones and mobiles while crossing the road.
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    Oh Zizi it frightens the life out of me when I see young ones with ear phones and mobiles in there hands and they just walk into the road , cant tell you how many times I have seen that happen
                    Mind you mothers with buggys on their phones are just as bad and toddlers either behind them or running ahead with no supervision because Mam has her head in her phone
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small

