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Prince Harry


    Prince Harry

    I found myself watching the interview with Prince Harry about his book, did anyone else watch it? Although I do have sympathy for him, his upbringing wasn’t the happiest but I do not think he will have he has helped his relationship with his family by writing this book.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

    I didn't see the interview, Plant, but from odd things I've seen in the media he seems to be on a path which no-one will benefit from. It's very sad but I think he's ill-advised to go public irrespective of the rights and wrongs. It's easy to blame Meghan's influence and that may be a big part of it, but even so he's an adult and has to take responsibility for his own actions. I hope the rest of the Royal family don't respond - it will just feed the media frenzy.

    It's ironic that having been so at war with the media all his life he's now courting their attention in every way he can.

    The comment about his actions in the Army are the worst thing - did he not realise how many people he could be putting at risk, including his own children!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      He obviously has a deep affection for his father.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        I have thought from the start that he shouldn't have married Megan, now I can see they are both tarred with the same brush, hate and destruction!

        As you say Daisy, he complained about the press all his life, now he is using them!


          I have thought from the start that he shouldn't have married Megan, now I can see they are both tarred with the same brush, jealousy, hate and destruction!

          As you say Daisy, he complained about the press all his life, now he is using them!
          Last edited by Lizzie48; 10-01-2023, 12:33 PM.


            Did anyone even have any idea about what he was going to say or did he just decide to give the interview without any advice because I found the boasting about how many people he has killed whilst in the army extremely alarming.
            He has put him self and his family in more danger than usual for anyone in the public eye.
            I don't think mentally he is capable of making any huge decisions.
            One minute he wants himself and family out of the public eye and the next he is dangling them in front of everyone.
            Is it all about money?
            The stories about him and William fighting surely are no difference from a lot of families up and down the land, the only difference is they aren't living the life of luxury.

            I certainly won't be buying the book .
            Only members of the family know really what's going on and at the moment we have only heard one side of the arguments and if we did get to hear another side how much of what we would be told would have 100% accurate, would they add a bit here, leave out a bit there ?

            A the moment Harry just looks like he has thrown all of his toys out of the pram!
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              I didn’t watch it and I shan’t buy the book, but even with no interest in the Royal Family it’s been impossible to avoid it all over the media.

              However, whatever people might think of Harry, it seems to me pretty clear that he is a damaged product of a dysfunctional family. As a child he grew up with warring parents, both of whom used the media to broadcast intimate details of their marriage and affairs. He was made to walk behind his mother’s coffin at 12 and then parade around lo9king at flowers outside the palace.

              Imagine our grandsons experiencing that. Would they grow up well adjusted? He then goes to Eton, which is a poor preparation for real life (just read some of the memoirs of men who have suffered from the public school system) and then joins the army. All the while every girlfriend, no matter how fleeting the relationship, is leered over by the tabloids and he has little privacy.

              When he finally found Megan, the racism in the tabloids and on social media was disgusting.

              None of us know the story of the endless awful soap opera, but it’s a distraction from the real problems of this country and a burden for those born into it.

              The monarchy is an anomaly these days, now the Queen has gone it’s time to rethink the entire institution.

              So, whatever happens, I’d like to an end to the nonsense of the doings of one family endlessly on our screens and newspapers. If the nation wants to keep the monarchy, let them vote on it. And let the members of that family choose to opt out if they wish and leave them alone.


                He has put his life and his family’s lives in danger , did he have no one there to tell him to think about what he said , now I read he’s having to have armed body guards silly boy .

                Why does he need to air his dirty laundry out for all to see ,
                Brothers fight , parents and children fight they may be royalty but they are a family with all the same problems as millions of families but with money .

                He says he loves his father yet he’s happy to drag him through the mud
                He says he wants privacy and a normal life , yet he courts the media at every turn .

                Cant have his cake and eat it , time he shut up got on with his life .
                Time we stopped hearing about them both , they are tripping over their own lies time and time again .
                I bet the other side of the story won’t show him in a good light either .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Originally posted by Sum1Ls View Post
                  However, whatever people might think of Harry, it seems to me pretty clear that he is a damaged product of a dysfunctional family. As a child he grew up with warring parents, both of whom used the media to broadcast intimate details of their marriage and affairs. He was made to walk behind his mother’s coffin at 12 and then parade around lo9king at flowers outside the palace.

                  Imagine our grandsons experiencing that. Would they grow up well adjusted? He then goes to Eton, which is a poor preparation for real life (just read some of the memoirs of men who have suffered from the public school system) and then joins the army. All the while every girlfriend, no matter how fleeting the relationship, is leered over by the tabloids and he has little privacy.

                  When he finally found Megan, the racism in the tabloids and on social media was disgusting.

                  Sum1, I agree.

                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I totally agree too that he is a damaged young man. He said in the interview that it was his choice to walk behind the coffin because William was doing so.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Oh, Plant, that is sad, but I imagine many younger siblings try to copy or do the same as their older brothers/sisters.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)

