I would guess that most of us grannies who learned to swim as children did so in their local indoor pool. All of the ones where I lived as a child were ancient Victorian relics, apart from one modern one, but most children went swimming at least once a week. My OH grew up in a seaside town and learned to swim in the sea - much more dangerous, and definitely colder.
But there's worries about some pools not being able to survive the financial hit that was Lockdown. This news article caught my eye as it features the pool where OH and I used to swim when we were first married. I also remember the frustration when years later a different local pool closed for about 3 years because of the unsafe structure. Just at the time when we'd have been teaching our children to swim and enjoy the water.
I hope we don't end up with a generation of children who never get the chance to learn to swim.
But there's worries about some pools not being able to survive the financial hit that was Lockdown. This news article caught my eye as it features the pool where OH and I used to swim when we were first married. I also remember the frustration when years later a different local pool closed for about 3 years because of the unsafe structure. Just at the time when we'd have been teaching our children to swim and enjoy the water.
I hope we don't end up with a generation of children who never get the chance to learn to swim.
