For a granddaughter. I love my four grandsons to bits, but I won’t deny that I’ve always wanted a granddaughter although for some time I’ve know that that wasn’t going to happen.
Now that eldest grandson is off to secondary school in September, and in the light of the recent appalling accounts of the sexual harassment and worse, that happens routinely in so many secondary schools, I’m glad that I’m not worrying myself stupid about it.
We all know that it’s not new, but with the rise of social media, TicToc, Instagram and so on, pornography seems to be normalised and girls and women treated as objects to be abused and humiliated for the gratification of boys and men.
Not all men and boys of course, but the problem is, we don’t know which ones. So every boy and man who doesn’t call it out is complicit.
As a primary school head I had to deal with incidents. One was a boy who thought it was funny to ping the bra straps of the girls who wore them. Another was a boy who calked girls ‘cupcake’ mark 1,2,or3 depending of his personal preference. I spoke very seriously to these boys and to their parents, you would think that parents would have been supportive, but no. One dad said that it was only fun, that all boys do it, that the girls need to get a life and sense of humour. Another said his boy didn’t mean anything by it and he called girls cupcake too.
My response was to say very firmly that it wasn’t acceptable and breached the school’s safeguarding policy and if it happened again the boy would miss breaktimes and would have to work at a separate desk.
Now these are small incidents compared to what we’ve heard but it escalates and leads to so much worse.
I’d be interested to hear what grannies with granddaughters have found and what they think.
Now that eldest grandson is off to secondary school in September, and in the light of the recent appalling accounts of the sexual harassment and worse, that happens routinely in so many secondary schools, I’m glad that I’m not worrying myself stupid about it.
We all know that it’s not new, but with the rise of social media, TicToc, Instagram and so on, pornography seems to be normalised and girls and women treated as objects to be abused and humiliated for the gratification of boys and men.
Not all men and boys of course, but the problem is, we don’t know which ones. So every boy and man who doesn’t call it out is complicit.
As a primary school head I had to deal with incidents. One was a boy who thought it was funny to ping the bra straps of the girls who wore them. Another was a boy who calked girls ‘cupcake’ mark 1,2,or3 depending of his personal preference. I spoke very seriously to these boys and to their parents, you would think that parents would have been supportive, but no. One dad said that it was only fun, that all boys do it, that the girls need to get a life and sense of humour. Another said his boy didn’t mean anything by it and he called girls cupcake too.
My response was to say very firmly that it wasn’t acceptable and breached the school’s safeguarding policy and if it happened again the boy would miss breaktimes and would have to work at a separate desk.
Now these are small incidents compared to what we’ve heard but it escalates and leads to so much worse.
I’d be interested to hear what grannies with granddaughters have found and what they think.