Could be some more job lost.
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I think it's inevitable that more chains and large stores will disappear from our shopping malls and high streets. Many are crippled by astronomic rents and other huge overheads. They carry extensive stock, which often has to be paid for before it's sold.
They are also finding it hard to attract shoppers. I know many times I have chosen to buy something online rather than drive 12 or so miles into our nearest big shopping centre, pay a fortune for parking - that's if I can find a space - and then trudge round trying to find something in a badly laid out store without any assistants around to help, then queuing to pay for it, even being charged for a bag (and I know there are good, environmental reasons for that) and then having to trudge back to the car, which could be half a mile or more away, only to find you've just edged into another charging zone on the clock, don't have the coins or notes that the machine demands, and finally joining a traffic queue to get home.
And on a really bad day you find someone's dented your car trying to get into a space that is actually too small for many modern cars.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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That’s the problem Daisy. Online is so much easier. I bought a new top two days ago, free postage and it arrived beautifully wrapped this morning. We hardly ever go to the town centre these days u less we go on the bus and walk along,the beach. Everything’s changing."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Enfys, I also think a lot of shops have shot themselves in the foot - Bournemouth's a good example. If you live east of B'mouth like us, why would you travel the extra distance, pay a fortune to park and stomp up and down the hills when there's Castle Point (shopping mall) quite a lot closer with free parking, a huge Lakeland, a much better M&S and a choice of Sainsbury's and Asda, plus B&Q (good for keeping hubbies occupied) and a good range of other shops.
I'm sure there are lots of other cities in the same position.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy I feel so sorry for the bigger stores and all the overheads they face just to open their doors and trade.even though I really enjoy going over to Liverpool City Centre I find that staying over this side of the River suits me better by going to our local Retail Park in Bromborough where I can find most of the Stores that I buy from,M&S/Next/Dunelm/Boots/ all the parking is free and plentiful so we enjoy going, there is even a good selection of eateries for a quick snack if needed so I can see a lot more big stores closing in favour of Retail Parks over the next 5/10yrs.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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I agree, it is very sad to see so many stores closing and jobs lost, but yes, it is inevitable that so many of us shop online. Petrol or bus/train fares, parking fees, if you can even find a space, then carrying it all back to your car. Online is so easy.
I go into York sometimes not regularly, and see something else closed every time. It costs me over £4 return by bus, more to park plus petrol. I think if not for our tourism we would lose even more shops.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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A professor of something to do with consumerism on local TV last night and she was saying shoppers want an 'experience' when they go shopping. She gave the example of a large town near here which has lost its M&S,BHS and now HoF with a new out of town shopping centre which has a lake here you can go boating. Ideal for families and the parking is free! One High Street is just like any other High Street and I for one don't want to go somewhere different and find the same shops. I used to love coming down from Scotland before we were married and buying things from shops which we didn't have!!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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