Leaving DS2's today, I noticed a huge pile of recycling rubbish waiting to be collected. We have a system of black bags for general rubbish and clear bags for recyclables such as paper, plastic bottles, cardboard etc, and the bags are collected weekly. Glass and garden waster are collected monthly, but you have to pay for garden waster collection. This was a huge pile of stuff from a relatively small group of houses and I was mentally multiplying that by all the houses in the land, week in week out. Our local council is aiming for nil-to-landfill within a few years, and it seems an impossible task.
At home, we seem to fill a black bag every week, no matter how I try not to, and I put everything into the recyclable bag I can, plus we compost all uncooked kitchen waste. Unless we change our shopping habits and manufacturers reduce packaging materials I don' see things getting any better. Has anybody found a way to reduce their household waste?
At home, we seem to fill a black bag every week, no matter how I try not to, and I put everything into the recyclable bag I can, plus we compost all uncooked kitchen waste. Unless we change our shopping habits and manufacturers reduce packaging materials I don' see things getting any better. Has anybody found a way to reduce their household waste?