GM - yes. My DS1 talks in his sleep and responds to 'conversations'. The most famous one in the family was when he was about 15 and was telling me to avoid the trees.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Sometimes I have a horrible dream where I'm trying to force myself to wake up.It's like pushing up through treacle!
Occasionally I have such a frightening dream that I wake myself ( and OH) up by shrieking out loud.
Do you remember all that scary Protect And Survive info we had in the late 70s, early 80s? Literature through the door about how to prepare our homes against a nuclear attack?! We lived in a tiny 2 up 2 down house plus bathroom extension. With 2 very small children, it worried me greatly that we had no inner room in which to make a sanctuary! Night after night I woke terrified and crying out. If I could have forseen those daughters growing up and giving me GC, I may have slept better!!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
The night before last I dreamed that we were travelling to different places in the US and being hounded by a malevolent presence. All very unsettling. Last night I dream that OH had cancer in the area under his chin (it probably has a name but I've no idea what it is). This was more real and frightening. Some links are obvious but others just plain weird!
DD2 used to speak and occasionally walk about in her sleep and DD1 would have conversations with her. She also has sleep apnea and has an EPAC breathing machine which has really helped but sometimes gets too much for her. I have seen articles saying that lighter versions may be available soon which would make it so much more useable.
Scary dreams Shem.
OH shared a room with a golfing buddy who used a machine for sleep apnea, the problem was he forgot to take a converter (they were in Spain). Luckily OH had his trusty gang of sockets and a converter so all was well.
Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
Always tricky when DD goes away. There needs to be a convenient power point preferably. I offered her an extension lead but it was turned down. So much easier when you could insist they did as they were told!
I have had some truly horrible nightmares which have stayed with me for hours after waking. Generally my dreams reflect what is going on in my life so it is my brain working things out I reckon. But where some of the nightmares come from beats me!!!
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot
I had to stop taking Amitrypteline (spelling?) for pain control, not as an antidepressant. I took one at night. During sleep I woke to find someone, not people I know, standing at the side of me, just bending over looking at me. You can imagine how unnerving it was. This happened about half a dozen times before I went to my GP' s.🙈
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."