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While I have been gone ......

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    While I have been gone ......

    All sorry I haven't been on much. I got back from holiday 13th March and checked work emails to make sure there were no nasty surprises and there were. Too much to go into but with the "interesting" things that were happening for work and Time to Shine coming up (Monday), I have not stopped working even at the weekends and feel like the holiday is a long distant memory. It was not the best holiday to be honest apart from the fact that we spent some good time with each other.

    I did my "Building sites are not playgrounds" video and that was full of angst. Freezing cold day, power off on site so could not make hot drinks, someone went to Waitrose down the road and by the time they had waited for a box to bring the eight drinks back a) they were merely tepid and b) the power had come back on! The children were delightful and despite the cold and the many times they had to repeat the same scene there was not a whimper of complaint. They both got goodie bags and Ben (my Ben) got a £10 games voucher and the little girl (who was nine and about three inches taller than me!) got. £10 Claire's Accessories voucher.

    Apart from that I took last Thursday off in lieu for the Sunday filming and spent the whole day working on T2S, took Tuesday and Wednesday on a "use it or lose it" basis. Both of those days were, yep, T2S. Thursday and Friday I was working on "Open Doors", a project which allows construction sites to open up to the general public. I am Co-ordinating my company's involvement. If there is a construction site of any interest near you give me a shout and I will send you the website details to book a place if they are taking part, lots are.

    Today has been .......... Time to Shine...........

    We shall be going there tomorrow and all the other volunteers and children arrive on Monday.

    The storm on Sunday night last weekend blew our neighbour's fence down which damaged some things in our garden (tomato pots, mirror, bench) but we told the old man not to worry we will take the cost, the Monday night I realised that the coving in the sitting room had a water stain on it. Insurance surveyor came around and after investigation told us that it was our neighbour (upstairs next door) whose pointing is destroyed completely and is letting the water ingress to our property. Husband went to see the neighbour and he was extremely unpleasant. He even said that the surveyor must have dug the mortar out of the bricks in order to avoid paying a claim. As the surveyor took pictures with a big long handle thing he wasn't in a position to interfere with the wall! It was during this conversation that husband told nasty neighbour that we know he stalled the freehold purchase for a year without telling the other owners. He denied it but finally admitted it when told that I have it in writing from the solicitor. Husband came in and said "blimey that was nearly a punch up" THAT is how bad it was! Later neighbour sent an email apologising for the problem, clearly he had gone inside and a sensible family member (wife) had made him realise that we wouldn't kick up a fuss if it wasn't necessary and anyway it wasn't a fuss!

    I had my own email punch up with British Gas who wanted to double my direct debit to £68 because of a perceived £89 shortfall in a years time. I wrote to them and said that as they hold my credit balance, often more than £200, and suggesting that we should have a bit of fairness and as they wait for my bill to catch up with my credit balance maybe we could reverse it and I pay £10 a month more (which would still be more than £89 at the end of the year) and they could wait for my payments to catch up with their bills. They came back with a revised sum of £8 a month increase BUT have now sent me an email stating that it will be reviewed in June. Well I have made my position clear, if they increase my DD any further I will change suppliers.

    So whilst I have been quiet on here it has been all go at my house. I have packed all my boxes up, done all the printing, sitting room is full of medals, trophies, paperwork, bar supplies and nibbles waiting plus a bag full of ribbons, staples, glue etc., for our disco night costumes which is a tradition. That night we have fizz and fish away from the children, by this time we are quite exhausted so need a bit of down time.

    My last residential T2S, feeling sad but ten years is a long time and it is time to step down.

    Apologies for the length of this, thought I would get it out if the way in one hit, let us see if I am human this time!
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

    Wow ZIZI,you've certainly had one heck of a time since your holiday.I'm not surprised you haven't had time to come on here.
    I know its easier said than done, but you really need a bit of relaxation time.
    As it's your last T2S, maybe/hopefully things will be a bit less stressful.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Wow Zizi,I am exhausted just reading your post you must have come back off holidays full of beans & energy to keep all that up stop and take a breather xxx
      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


        Zizi - it's lovely to have you back - we have missed you. xx Crikey, you've been busy, busy, busy and will definitely need another holiday as soon as T2S is over. I'm sure it will be very sad, especially when it comes to saying good bye to everyone, but it's time to move on. As always, we hope to see some photos and look forward to hearing all about it.

        Thank goodness you nasty neighbour has a sensible wife, now hopefully everything will calm down.

        British Gas are unbelievable (but not alone!). They seem to think we should supply the capital to keep the business going and how much we actually use is alsmot irrelevant to the charges they make!
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy they said that at the end of the year we would be £89 in debit and therefore we should pay a total of £384 MORE which would put us very much in credit. When I challenged them, offering £10 a month more, they came back with £8 a month more. It is worrying that some people will not do the sums and assume they HAVE to pay the amounts decided by the company and then may put themselves In financial difficulties. For us paying double the amount would not be the end of the world as we are both working full time but for people on very limited incomes it could make a huge difference. There are some things you cannot dispute such as council tax but those things you can dispute, you should. Only my opinion of course,

          I am in stroppy mare mode this week......
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            Hi stroppy mare, lovely to hear from you, you have been busy fighting the gas board and nasty neighbour. Hope T2S will be just as enjoyable as it always is, very sad it will be your last. Hope to hear more from you soon.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Zizi - I agree - it's outrageous that the utilities can demand way in excess of what your bill might be and then when you've overpaid it can be a real battle to get it back over the next 6 months. If any other business ran like that there would be riots in the streets. The system needs changing for the sake of those people who are not stroppy mares and who worry about getting cut off if they argue. It makes my blood boil. Grrrrr ......

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Zizi, I have missed you and been worried about you, so it's good to see you posting.

                What a time you have been having!
                A friend of mine had a very similar battle to yours with British Gas

                I hope your last Time To Shine goes well. Bittersweet I'm sure- as you say, 10 years is long enough.
                Keep smiling!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  It has been a stressful couple of weeks. My job has changed beyond anything I thought which is a shame as I rarely get to go into schools now but do attend a lot of "hot air" meetings. I am the south east co-ordinator for our new charity collaboration Hospice UK as well as the national co-ordinator for the Open Doors project. The south east co-ordinator for the homeless pre employment programme AND a charity which gets professional advice/donations of time & materials for homeless hostels and hospices. Plus I am working with our construction training (apprentices) arm who are pretty damned useless. I said that when I came back from holiday I checked emails on the Sunday night, I was due to go to a college with two of their senior managers in London and there was an email saying that I had to do the meeting on my own! I am not part of their operation so could not carry the meeting. At 6am I was texting and making phone calls/sending emails to try to get some resolution. One chap said he would come the other said he wouldn't and then they both turned up but clearly hadn't discussed what they were going to say so it was all quite embarrassing and it all went downhill from there!

                  Got to dash now, have already been to my unit this morning to pick up stuff, goodness knows how I am going to get all the stuff AND my neighbour who is volunteering and all of our luggage in the car........
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    Wow, just reading your post has me exhausted!!
                    Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                      Careful Zizi. You don't want to reach that awful burn-out stage. You do sound as tho you don't have a spare minute. Look after yourself.
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)

