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Do you drive at the speed limit?

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    Do you drive at the speed limit?

    Driving around, I notice several different takes on driving at the speed limit!

    Frequently, when driving at the speed limit I am overtaken by a driver speeding past me. I love it when they then have to stop at a roundabout or traffic lights, and I stop right behind them
    At other times I am on a 60 mph road, in a long queue behind a driver who is idling along at 25mph!

    What do you do? If I am in no hurry, and no one is following me, I drive slightly below the speed limit. If other drivers are behind me, I drive at the speed limit (conditions permitting!) If am a bit late, I have to admit I drive a tiny bit above the speed limit. Not too much, I don't wasn't a speeding ticket!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Where I live the road out of the village is wide and straight and the limit is 30 but if the road is clear you have to keep checking your speed. There is often a van parked catching the offenders. I would rather go through the lanes but I still only go just over 30 but it does take the strain out of the journey. Why is it that the cars overtaking do not get caught.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      After having been caught speeding, I now have a machine which warns me of speed cameras etc on the roads!!! It does get b***** annoying when it starts beeping though!
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        Speed limit unless I am darned sure there are no speed traps or cameras, then I may put my foot down on open roads. I hate it when someone dawdles at 50 in a 60 mps limit, they frustrate me. I have been known to tailgate them

        Also hate those who deliberately go too fast, and I mean 20 mph over the limit, very silly and dangerous.

        What I feel are the most dreadful drivers of all are the mums on the school run They are always late it seems and rush through the villages tiny roads at full pelt without even thinking what may be round the corner, then, when you narrowly escape being hit by them, and you make a shrug sign mouthing "WHY" they swear at you. They are what I call motorists and not drivers.

        In fact I wonder sometimes just how people passed their Test
        Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


          This morning I drove 8 miles on New Forest roads to go to the hairdressers. There's a (sensible in daytime) blanket speed limit of 40 mph. This is because ponies, cattle, donkeys etc roam freely on the roads. This morning I followed a so-called 'driver' for about 3 miles doing 20-25 mph. I could see the cars building up behind me. There are only a couple of places to overtake and each time this so-called 'driver' was in the middle of the road. In the end, I could stand it no longer, blasted my horn and overtook on a straight uphill stretch. One other car made it too. I bet the others are still trundling along behind him! Grrrr……

          So yes, I do drive at the sped limit when it's safe to do so, but travelling that same road in the dark my speed would be more like 30-35 because the ponies, etc still wander round at night!

          I really think there should be different speed limits depending on the conditions and whether it's light or dark.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            We've been travelling on Motorways more than usual this month. We were house sitters for my sister & her OH in Aylesbury. Then we've been to Edinburgh, so had our share of driving. What struck me more than drivers were all the roadworks & 50mph speed limits. So frustrating! 😈
            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

            (Doe Zantamata.)


              Oh mamar*, we know all about this!! We have driven to and from London twice within a month recently. The amount roadworks, reduced speed limits etc made us decide to never drive to London again!! Luckily we are on a good train route and can get to London in 2 hours that way.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                There are many speed cameras around here, and also pop out police with hand held cameras. I try very hard to stick to the limit but on motorways my bugbear is the slow driver in the middle lane when the inside lane is clear. I'm very rarely in a great hurry so it's easy to be good! 😄
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  I do try to stick within the speed limits but this ruddy new car just takes over I hate folk up my back end pardon the phrase I say to them I can go slower if its in a built up area and especially if the g/c are with me I can put my foot down on 70 MPH, I also love it when the drivers burst a blood vessel trying to go round me when I am doing the speed limit only to find them at red on the traffic lights lol

