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Have you changed ?

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    Have you changed ?

    Have you changed as you have got older I don't mean physically but in the way you think I feel I have lost a little confidence in myself, and slightly stressed I was always very laid back . I am much more tolerant of my grandchildren and will play for hours with them all but as a parent I feel guilty that I didn't, my house cleaning got in the way sometimes. I am sometimes more angry than I ever used to be but I smile more at people strangers etc what about you have you changed in any way as you have become older

    Qwerty, what an interesting question. I think I've got more laid back, although I've never been much of a worrier. I think I was more driven to get things done when I was younger, but then I had a demanding full-time job and children and a home to run, and I felt if I ever took my eyes off the spinning plates I'd never get them back again. I think I observe my grandchildren more than I did my onw sons. I have more time to think about where they're coming from rather than wanting to fix the immediate problem.

    I've probably got a bit quieter and think some battles aren't worth fighting.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      I am more laid back i had a very fiery temper when i was younger and i wouldn't put up with any rubbish, now i bite my tongue and think is it worth a argument . i was very strict with my children but with the grand children im more relaxed i still have rules but im not as bothered about mess, i now think i will sort that out when they have gone .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I think I am calmer now than I used to be, but whether DH would agree is another story . I'm still a worrier but not as bad as I used to be and I certainly don't get as het up about things.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Very interesting question Qwerty. I am less impatient but I get cross with myself more than other people these days. Certainly I'm a lot more pragmatic than I used to be. I still don't like mess, I have to be organised. Yes, I'm much more tolerant with my grandchildren than I was as a mother but then I had no time at all, worked full time and ran everything, like Daisy, plates all spinning in the air. They still are really but I don't have to get up at 6 am anymore and I can go to bed when it suits me! I've turned into quite a good listener, I think I talked too much when younger! I certainly have a more laid back attitude to housework and cooking . I love my alone time and when young needed people around all the time, and don't now.
          Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


            I used to worry about everything and anything , you name it I worried about it . I also had a short temper and I was a very fidgety sort of person.
            There is now very little that worries me. my two biggest concerns are my OH and his health and my eldest DS , apart from I don't worry about anything I can't do anything about.
            My temper is non existent, I am more than happy to go with the flow and as for my fidgeting, well yes that's still with me , but two out of three ain't bad !
            So yes I changed ,but deep down I am still me ..... Just !!
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Interesting question! I was discussing this topic with my daughter only the other day. I have lost a lot of confidence over the last year and become much more reflective than I used to be. I can play for ages with the grandchildren but find I can only concentrate on one thing at a time! Like Daisy, I can't quite believe how many plates I used to spin in the air at the same time just three years ago! Hope my sense of humour never changes though!


                I am still spinning the flipping plates! I think I am a bit quieter than I used to be, I am still a bit outspoken if I feel something is wrong and people I work with know that (for instance my boss 'phoned me yesterday regarding an office relocation and said he wanted to give me the heads up so I didn't have a go at him in the meeting with HR we are having on Tuesday!). Having said that I do bite my tongue a lot more than I used to. I am very tolerant of the grandchildren, more so than when the boys were younger but then we were running a business and home life had to run smoothly in order to keep it going. I have always been organised and I have always detested being late or turning up for a meeting or event without the right gear or notes etc. Looking around my sitting room there is one thing that hasn't changed, I am still a mucky trollop as the glass shelving and sideboard definitely need a dust but as Joe and Sadie are coming this afternoon I will flick a duster around and hoover a bit .
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  Beyond recognition,I'm much more laid back compared to when I was young. I stressed about everything when I was younger and never felt "good enough".Now I can roll with the punches and I have much more patience.I couldn't stand the kids making a mess or putting sticky mitts on anything.They had to put away one toy before getting out another.How different I am with the grandkids,they can literally turn the house inside out and it doesn't faze me. I let them eat cake on a plate on the sofa,my kids had everything at the table. I used to worry what people thought of me,now I really do think take me or leave me.I've always called a spade a shovel so that hasn't changed,but I'm much less confrontational than when I was younger.I did the spinning plates but not in a professional way ZIZI does,I had part time jobs of varying types.At one stage I worked from 5.30-8.30am got home and got the kids off to school,then got them home,fed/bathed them and ready for hubs to take over whilst I went to a supermarket to work for another 3 hours.It was a case of need not greed. We chose to have 4 kiddies so it was our responsibility to care for them. Working in the job I do now is the most senior post I have ever worked in. But my kids always say,because of us they have a very strong work ethic. I've no regrets about any of my jobs or the person I was.Life now is slow compared to the days mine were small. Underneath I'm still me,feisty sometimes,but much more placid than before.My friends who know me best say I make a great friend but a terrible enemy.
                  Last edited by Libra Gran; 01-03-2015, 10:28 PM.
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    I've become a lot more confident and outspoken as I got older. I used to be quiet and, for various reasons and circumstances, had to put up with bullying at home and in the workplace. But not any longer!
                    A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....


                      I am more confident complaining about poor service, I had a bit of a temper when I was a lot younger, well I was a read head. I used to say stop the world, I want to get off when I worked and ran a Brownie Pack.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        I don't feel I have changed hugely
                        I am more choosy about my friends as I have got older. Life is to short to be in one sided friendships. My friends now are people who value me as much as I value them
                        I am much more settled within myself since I came to terms with what I really wanted and needed in life. I always felt there was something missing!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

