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Free Time

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    Free Time

    A comment on What are you Doing Today has set me thinking.

    I know many of us have retired from jobs outside the home, and I wonder how we feel about our free time and how we spend it. Do you feel a bit guilty if you sit down and watch a day-time film, or read a book or phone a friend just for a chat? Do you have hobbies you've taken up, or does you day just seem to 'disappear' into some sort of black hole?

    Do you have a regular group of friends or family you meet up with?

    Is it harder to find things to do in the winter?

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Daisy, I could never watch TV during the day, I know so many do, if I am out and about I see all the TVs on. I sometimes try to read but most of the time occupy myself.

    I love the gym, aqua etc, I have just been to see to the plants, later going next door for coffee, M has new dining chairs so I am going to see them. I visit my friend, that will be more often with her being closer, I was thinking of going to do voluntary work where she is, but, I don't think it is a good idea, she would get the idea that I am there for her so I changed my mind.

    I manage to walk and cycle during the day, I try to keep myself occupied.


      Myself and OH aim to go out each day for a walk, as we both have mobility issues the walk can vary from a 10 min walk to about half an hour by then one of us ( usually me) is complaining about their arthritic joints .

      Slowly getting back to meeting up with my friends after the covid marlakely but OH seems to have lost touch with his old work colleagues but talking to my friends their OH's have done the same, is it a male thing do you think?

      Apart from gardening I love to read . I used to attend a yoga class once a week but since covid and then moving I haven't been. I haven't found a yoga class near me that caterers for my needs . The only one here is for 'hot yoga ' and yoga aimed at pregnant and new mums I need something a little more gentle talking into consideration my bowel and bladder prolapse.

      I do find it harder to find things to do in the winter months
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        I’m a big fan of puzzle books , keeps my mind ticking over , I also do online jigsaws .
        I don’t read as much as I used too for some reason .

        The day seems to wiz by sometimes .
        I don’t watch a lot of TV I never find anything I like , I don’t watch soaps or reality TV or anything with celebrity in the title it tends not to be my thing ,

        It is harder in the winter I think for everyone.
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Well, I’m a walkaholic these days - at least eight miles every weekend and up to 12 or 13 in the summer. I do granny duty two days a week in term time before and after school and I do DiLs and DS’s ironing. I’m a trustee of Greenwich Mencap, also write a bit (I’ve just banked (£100 for an article which was nice). I do various stuff for church and try as best I can to record and remember) the wild flowers on the Common and when we go away. I’m involved in the local history society and the industrial history society and I’m giving a talk to my local amenity society on the botany of the Green Chain Walk in May. And I do patchwork. That’s a project I started in lockdown and it’s still not finished. When - if ever - it is, I’ll post a picture. I’m also active in local politics. I’m a member of a book club also. Almost never watch the television because it’s rare to find anything worth watching except Countryfile and Springwatch. I’ve generally got a book that’s much more interesting. But as for housework - the less said the better!

          When I retired everyone said you’ll be busier than ever. So very true.


            Sum1, I'm exhausted merely reading about your very busy and productive activities. Well done on selling your recent article. You must have been delighted.

            When I gave up teaching a friend who was 10 years older than me and had had very similar responsibilities in her college gave me the best advice ever. "Don't let your house ever be any cleaner or tidier than it is today"! I could see her wisdom - it's easy to fill your time with non-jobs, but then I spent 10 years working as a photographer plus plenty of grandchildren duties. Now I'm properly retired I spend a lot more time walking, gardening and enjoying hobbies - I've just ordered myself a new keyboard (electronic piano) as my old one only plays certain notes and the digital display is illegible. I want to get some level of ability with my sewing machine, and I'm still painting. But when I do have an unproductive day I feel I've wasted it!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              You’re so right Daisy. All those things we promised ourselves we’d do when we retired….some of them accomplished. Mind you, I think Oma would have 40 fits if she came to my house unexpectedly!


                Although I love housework it’s not for everyone and Sum1 I wouldn’t notice if I came to your house ,
                I only notice dust and dirt in my own house 😁
                With your busy lifestyle the house is the last thing to worry about .
                Your enjoying life to the full ,
                Well done on the article clever lady xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I am quite nervous posting what my days consist of. Since I have turned 80 walking has become a bit of a problem, distance is limited. I do watch television quite a lot in the evening and do puzzles on-line. I am a member of WI, Trefoil (ex. Guiders), local NT group and since I have had to give up bowling I have joined a board games group.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant, good heavens nothing to be nervous about, you have a good mix or relaxing and getting out and about. Your family so close means you won't get lonely either.

                    I am one of us still in the sandwich generation. Busy helping DDs with GC and also visiting my mum. As she is in a care home now I am freer than before, but then I have an extra GC!

                    I am too busy to be bored. As well as looking after all 4 GC, and a weekly visit to my mum I go to an aquafit class and do a morning volunteering at the library, as well as being secretary of the library Friends group. When I do have free time I am happy to come online, watch TV, read or do puzzles, and meet up with friends and family of course.

                    If I didn't have all these things weekly or if I lived alone, I think I would need more to fill my time, but for now it is full.

                    To answer your question Daisy, I do not feel guilty doing nothing! I am a weird mix of being lazy but at the same time liking a lot going on and to be helpful
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      I never get bored.Housework comes first, but after i do spend quite a bit of time on the internet.
                      Love entering competitions,which is something i've done since i won my first competition when i was 10 years old.
                      I'll admit to watching daytime tv when i am doing things in the kitchen,such as cleaning,ironing and cooking.
                      We also seem to have more of a social life with some of the other family members.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        I think we're all pretty busy whether it's in the home or other activities.

                        My DIL's mother was saying recently that she gets fed up with being in the house (her house is always immaculate), cooking etc, and being on her own (her OH still works), so DIL said she needed a hobby. Her arthritic hands rule out quite a few things, and I couldn't think of anything she might enjoy. It would have to be outside the house or she would keep leaving off to do chores because she feels guilty if she leaves them.

                        Gem, I do know what you mean about being lazy and busy at the same time!

                        I've always got a running "To Do" list in my head, but mostly ignore it!!

                        I do feel guilty that I don't do any voluntary work at the moment. I am reluctant to tie myself down to a regular commitment, but think there must be something I could do on an ad hoc basis that would serve the community in some way.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

