There has been some discussion about having babies, prompted by us all waiting for news of Oma's great niece or nephew!
Our stories will get lost there so please add them here
My first baby was induced at 39 weeks, due to me developing pre-eclampsia. I was 21 and very scared. In those days it was waters broken then a drip. It was only 8 hours but that was 8 hours of full on contractions with almost no let up. Intense from the start and not what I was expecting. I had terrible pain in my thighs with contractions. Thank goodness I didn't have that with my other labours. Nowadays I'm sure they would suggest change of position to relieve that leg pain. I hated pethidine and gas and air.
Baby weighed 6 pounds 6 oz.
Baby number 2 was three days past due date when I was at my ante natal appointment. The midwife did a stretch and sweep (something they have to ask your permission for now, but then it was just done) By teatime I was in labour and went back to the hospital around 6.30. DD2 was born at 10.15. I had an epidural this time, but in fact if I had known it would be relatively quick I may not have bothered.
Baby weighed 7 pounds 7 oz.
Baby 3 was an induction, as at 42 weeks she still hadn't arrived.
I went into the ante natal unit the night before and was told to come and ask them for pessary to start things off in the morning. I was keen to get started so I was there at 6.30 am having the treatment. They gave me another later as nothing was happening, and by 1 pm I was in labour and allowed to go to the labour ward. I had a epidural again.
DD3 arrived at 24 minutes past midnight, by forceps. Not a quick or easy delivery at all. I was on cloud seven with relief and joy once I saw her however, and amazed that she weighed 9 pounds! (She is the tiniest of my DDs now)
Our stories will get lost there so please add them here
My first baby was induced at 39 weeks, due to me developing pre-eclampsia. I was 21 and very scared. In those days it was waters broken then a drip. It was only 8 hours but that was 8 hours of full on contractions with almost no let up. Intense from the start and not what I was expecting. I had terrible pain in my thighs with contractions. Thank goodness I didn't have that with my other labours. Nowadays I'm sure they would suggest change of position to relieve that leg pain. I hated pethidine and gas and air.
Baby weighed 6 pounds 6 oz.
Baby number 2 was three days past due date when I was at my ante natal appointment. The midwife did a stretch and sweep (something they have to ask your permission for now, but then it was just done) By teatime I was in labour and went back to the hospital around 6.30. DD2 was born at 10.15. I had an epidural this time, but in fact if I had known it would be relatively quick I may not have bothered.
Baby weighed 7 pounds 7 oz.
Baby 3 was an induction, as at 42 weeks she still hadn't arrived.
I went into the ante natal unit the night before and was told to come and ask them for pessary to start things off in the morning. I was keen to get started so I was there at 6.30 am having the treatment. They gave me another later as nothing was happening, and by 1 pm I was in labour and allowed to go to the labour ward. I had a epidural again.
DD3 arrived at 24 minutes past midnight, by forceps. Not a quick or easy delivery at all. I was on cloud seven with relief and joy once I saw her however, and amazed that she weighed 9 pounds! (She is the tiniest of my DDs now)