Bombay Saphire for me too with ice lemon and a tonic which does not contain sweetener. My biggest guilty pleasure is listening to The Archers Omnibus on a Sunday morning
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
I love The Archers Omnibus too Plant, never miss it
Chocolate Baileys, watching my recordings of Greys Anatomy, buying too many Kindle books on Amazon.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Dark rich bitter chocolate or like yesterday a Turkish delight bar but my all time guilty pleasure is curled up on the sofa with a nice big mug of tea and a Star bar shouldn't with all that sugar but now and then I cant resist, or even better Fresh bread hot out of oven with butter mmmmmmm
Reading a book when I should be doing something boring like housework!!! Or getting engrossed in painting or some other craft and forgetting about time.
When DD was small, I used to hide the chocolate biscuits in the pantry and sneak myself one without her knowing as I was trying to bring her up eating healthily!
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
I love chocolate but I don't eat a lot of it, trouble is once I start I have to keep going until there is none left! I suppose fizz is one of my pleasures but I don't feel guilty about it, I love to have it in a big bubbly bath. What I mean is I love to have a glass of fizz when I am in a big bubbly bath.
Not sure if I actually have a guilty pleasure as these days we can afford to buy what we want within reason so we do. It won't last forever though! I do indulge myself with some of my cosmetics and products and I am afraid sometimes I buy them and then decide I don't like them which I know is a waste but I do continue using them mostly.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Dark rich bitter chocolate or like yesterday a Turkish delight bar but my all time guilty pleasure is curled up on the sofa with a nice big mug of tea and a Star bar shouldn't with all that sugar but now and then I cant resist, or even better Fresh bread hot out of oven with butter mmmmmmm
Oma I had a most stressful day today. I bought myself a triple pack of chocolate Turkish Delight. It is to my credit that I only ate one, whilst driving!!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
After doing the weekly shop in a branch of the supermarket I don't normally go to, I felt in need of a Costa cappuccino and apiece of their Malteser cake!!! I did own up to it though, so not really a guilty pleasure
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.