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What Phobias do you have?

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    What Phobias do you have?

    I cannot be anywhere near a waterfall, or even look at photos of them I cannot abide spiders either. How about you?
    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

    I hate buzzy things like wasps and such and thtr horrible 8 legged creature I cant even bear to write the word eeeekkk


      I don't like spiders of the big variety but I can cope,even wasps and bees I can just about cope with. For years I was terrified of wasps,because as a child I was stung badly by 5 wasps trying to get my ice lolly.But my biggest phobia is without a doubt frogs.That is why I could never have a pond. Ughhhhhh.
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      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        Big hairy spiders; mossies 'cos they really go for me; snakes and slithery things!
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          Snakes, can't even look at a picture of them without wanting to cry in fear.
          Years ago we took our children to the zoo and naturally they wanted to go into the reptile house and I thought, yes I can do this.
          I went through the turnstile with OH and our two sons in front and I followed with DD in the pushchair. I hadn't even got as seeing any of the reptiles before I started to panic. I turned around and made my way back to the entrance much to the annoyance of other people behind me, with mutters of "you can't go out that way love"
          Just try and stop me I thought. I got to the turnstile which I found out only lets people in, not out but by now I was a woman on a mission and nothing was going to stop me. The pushchair (with DD still in it ) was just small enough to push under the bars and I followed on my hands and knees. !
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Hate Spiders, but im with you on the waterfall thing Elisi. Water terrifies me . Im no good with heights either But with all this the strange thing is I can stand on the top deck of a ship and look over the rails at the water below and im ok odd isn't it
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Ah, YES Oma, I am fine on board ship or a sailing vessel of any kind, the sea holds no fear for me. Water as in dark lakes, dark ponds, waterfalls, stagnant rivers, or WEIRS I cannot cross a weir!
              Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                Petrified of spiders, can spot one even without my glasses on a good distance away. If it isn't HUGE (and most of them are) I can sometimes, when I am having a brave day, smash their heads in or spray them but once they start running I am on the back of the settee screeching. If I do manage to dispense with one I cover it with a tissue and wait for the husband to get rid of it. Moths and butterflies, it is the fluttering I cannot take. Showers - I just cannot stand the water on my face so I also have a problem with splashy swimming and the sea which is unpredictable but also might have nasties lurking if you cannot see the bottom. I don't think I am afraid of heights but I wouldn't volunteer to do a sky dive or bungee jump. I don't particularly like take offs and landings of aircrafts but I have got a bit better in the last fifteen years, well you have to don't you if you are going on lovely holidays?
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  Just moths. Scary, scary moths Zizi and I had better not be alone together with moths. Too much screaming

                  I don't want them killed. Just safely escorted out.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I don't have any phobias but my Mother was terrified of birds, especially in flight.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      Growing up I was terrified of dogs and the girl who later became my stepsister would grab my hand and thrust it under dogs' noses. I was quite amazed to find later that she was terrified of moths and would go in to a blind panic even as an adult.

                      My mother couldn't bare snakes either, even on the tv or pictures. Strange how many people have phobias on snakes when we have so little contact with them and very few that could do you any harm.

                      I'm not keen on heights but can't think of any real phobia.


                        My mother was terrified of thunder storms. I've been trying to think, but none of the things above are a problem, although I'd probably take a great deal of care if I had to cross a weir!

                        It isn't really a phobia, but I find it very hard to clear up vomit if say a child has been sick.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Slugs. Snails and slimy things. Love spiders


                            I wouldn't say its a phobia but I don't like spiders (can easily get rid of them myself), don't like flies,wasps etc, I use one of those zappers like a small tennis racket to get rid of those. Snakes I wouldn't touch with a barge pole and cannot understand how and why my GC touch them when on show at the zoo. Really do not like frogs, a neighbour at the rear of my garden has a pond and there is often a frog in my back garden; they make me go cold. One day last year, I just happened to look at my back door and there was a frog sitting there looking in at me. Fortunately the door was closed. My daughter has a real bad phobia about buttons. She cannot bear to touch them and will not buy anything which has buttons on. She also hates crocodiles(?) and cannot look at them whem we visit our zoo. I don't know where that one came from, when will she ever meet one face to face?? Not likely.. Oh and slugs and snails are horrible, I put salt on those. But on a positive side I like most four legged animals. I love watching the pigs with their piglets at the zoo. We have a fantastic zoo here in Colchester, best zoo we have ever been to. We all have a season ticket and go there many times during the year. ( sorry i have gone on a bit ).


                              I was brought up with the words from my Mum "If you want to live and thrive let a spider run alive" - Well who thought of that I wonder!! I don't like them and get DH to remove them but he will not kill them so they have to be moved to the garden. If he drops one there is hell to pay for the rest of the day. My real phobia is sharp knives, Stanley knives (very bad) scalpels also terrifying (even the ones on the TV). I can't watch anything violent involving knives I have to look away. I have no sharp knives in the kitchen just serrated edge ones that are fairly blunt.
                              Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                              Sometimes the 'M' is silent.

