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Are you an open book?

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    Are you an open book?

    I have a friend who is happy to divulge every detail of her life however personal to almost everyone. She has a twin sister and grew up with two other sisters so I am guessing there was not a lot of privacy and I wonder if this is the reason. I was an only child and am inclined to be rather private even when I know somebody well there are things I would not want to talk about. I wonder if upbringing is linked to how we behave with friends later in life.
    Are you an open book or a keeper of secrets?
    Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
    Sometimes the 'M' is silent.

    Up to a point but there are somethings I have never spoken to anyone about Maybe I will one day .
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      I think we all have things we wouldn't share with anyone , I still have Secrets that I have been told by someone who is now long Dead but they were told to me in confidence and even now I feel if I told anyone I would be betraying that confidence , so they will go with me to my grave , nothing sinister or really bad just private and that's how they will stay . I had a friend years ago who told me every little detail of her sex life with her husband , Now I am no prude but I didn't want to hear that so I had to tell her in the end to stop, she was shocked and couldn't see what wrong she was doing I no longer see her as I didn't feel comfy in her company , we worked together and she would talk about everything there too it was embarrassing , I talk about my children and grand children but not in a open the doors and let everyone know our lives sort of way , sometimes a little goes a long way

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I am an open book to a certain extent,but anything about my personal life is definately off limits. I too have a friend who will share every aspect of her life and I'm not comfortable with it.The worse for me are people I know through work or otherwise airing all their laundry on FB.
        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


          The fact that my husband and I lived under the same roof, but no longer as a couple, for many years, and no one knew, not even the family tells you my answer
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I am quite a chatty person but personal details about my family is a no no
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              I will listen a lot. However I don't comment on my own life or that of my dear ones. Or only when it makes others laugh, or it is not a personal matter.

              I am lucky I have dear friends I can share absolutely anything with, if necessary, and them me but we try not to burden each other unless we really need a shoulder.

              I do have 'secrets' which I will never share with anyone.

              Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                On GRU I am an open book, without a doubt even to the extent of being embarrassing but i need to do it.....

                Outside of GRU, even my closest lovely friends and family don't know the half of it, only my good old mam....

                I can keep secrets and would listen and sympathise with any of my friends and would never repeat anything even to OH if they asked me too..............why i am so open on here i don't know but its not the real me outside of
                How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                  I do not think I am an open book but I do find it difficult to tell a fib. I think, generally speaking, my face betrays me and my feelings, whether it is something that is happening in front of me or something someone has asked me and I am trying to avoid answering. I am especially prone to giggling fits when I see something ridiculous and will hold everything in if I think it will hurt someone. I can keep a secret but not from my husband. He just knows ........
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    As a family we always kept things close to our chests and I'm still like that today. I find it uncomfortable when people get too confidential or inquisitive and I instinctively clam up. I suppose it would be better if I could be a bit more open about things that worry me, but I can't! That's not to say I'm introverted, but it takes me a long time to let my feelings known, though OH would disagree with me on that. He says, I make my feelings quite obvious when I'm with people I don't like!!
                    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                    Theodore Roosevelt.


                      I can relate to so many of the comments here. Secrets that I will take to the grave. Things friends have told me that I don't repeat to anyone not even DH (not that he would be interested really anyway). I also think that it is easier to be open on a forum like this rather than face to face. I am not sure why but perhaps it is not being seen. There is the whole question of why people feel they can say things on the internet that the would not say to someone's face.
                      One of my closest friends that died a couple of years ago was wonderfully human and I felt I could tell her my selfish and - sometime silly - thoughts and actions because she was just the same and therefore understood. Never a word of condemnation, just understanding. Being open depends on who it is with and being very secretive when you know the person is a gossip or not on your side. Does anyone else analyse what they have said to others after the event and wish they had kept quiet sometimes? This happened to me recently and I am still cringing a bit as a result.
                      Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                      Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                        I am not an open book but more a half read book lol I need to a degree to get things of my chest and for me there is no better place than here. I spoke on the old site about my relationship with my mum and felt better for it, I have a few friends I can talk to but I do shield myself from certain things that will go to the grave with me


                          I just wrote a comment & lost it. I was saying how I wasn't sure how to join in on this one. I do sometimes wonder if I share too much on here, but due to my circumstances haven't friends to share with & I wouldn't want to burden my DDs with any of my problems. I'm left feeling uncertain now on how much to actually write on here now. No worries.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            Mamar you should feel confident posting on here in general but go to the private bit if it is something you feel you might not want others to read outside of our current group. I think at the moment it is all ex GNers but in the future it will be a completely open forum. I might be wrong about that of course so I am sure our lovely leading team will confirm or correct.

                            Of course the other alternative is to PM people although I must admit that I have completely forgotten how to do that (red face)........
                            Last edited by ZIZI; 28-04-2015, 05:43 PM.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Zizi is right Marmar, there is the totally private forum called YEO which no one else can see. We all know each other on here and are platinum members and they can all see Yeo. When we move to the public arena members will come in on a Junior member basis and remain like this.....(we are in the process of deciding when they become, senior and then platinum and may well have a Poll on this so you can all give your opinions). You are free to write as much as you wish to on Yeo as it can only be accessed by the platinum members already here, and not from lurkers or anyone else. Hope this helps you
                              Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

