Well OH will usually bring me a cup of tea and I'll either drink that, or as sometimes happens, I'll fall back asleep again! When I do get up, I fiddle faddle around,put FitBit onto charge and waste time flicking through FB etc before I have a shower, wash hair every second day, moisturise face,body and anywhere else that needs it before getting dressed. I may have something to eat and at some point I'll remember to take my meds and if I'm eating I'll do yesterday's Telegraph puzzles.Clean teeth before the bed gets made. I do housework once a week unless the house is an absolute tip and I can easily be distracted by a book or magazine or even Test match cricket!At some point I will go for a walk, so that puts everything back a bit and it's often late morning before I've started ablutions!Shopping done once a week usually late morning, early afternoon, but routine is the same, though I tend not to walk on shopping day! At the moment I've no daytime commitments so my time is my own, but that'll change once the school holidays are over.
I would love to be the sort of person who leaps out of bed, firing on all cylinders, dives into the bathrooms, has a showers, cleans teeth, moisturises everywhere, dries and styles hair, confidently chooses exactly the right outfit for the day and weather ahead. Then goes to the kitchen and gets a filling but healthy breakfast - all before 8 am!!!
Reality, most days, is staggers out of bed, needing the bathroom. Stumbles downstairs and somehow manages to make a cuppa before opening eyes. Feeds dog on dog food I've had to defrost because I forgot to get it out the night before. Takes tea upstairs - give one cup of OH, while telling the dog to wake him up, and retreats to the computer to start waking up myself!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
When I worked full time I was suited & booted by 8am every day ready for the drive to work by 8-20am I was up by 6am every day.
Now it takes me an age to get myself going and on the days where I don't hve to go anywhere I am very lazy with my routine.
OH is always up early and lets me sleep then he walks the dogs and feeds said dog & cat they both then retreat back to their beds until mid morning.
OH makes me tea when I rise about 8.30 and I sit at breakfast bar and go through emails and updates followed by numerous cups of coffee,if I am at home for the day I will clean the teeth and shower and always put on a nice pair of PJs for the day I wash my hair twice a week and spend about half an hour drying it off with it being so long and most of the time it is just pinned up with a bull-dog clip, I never get dressed.
All my family are used to me not getting dressed and laugh at me but I don't care I'm happy.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Today I will change my routine!!!
I'm going to the hairdressers this morning, so when I have my shower I won't wash my hair. It doesn't need two washes in one day! But otherwise like Oma I wash it virtually every day, and regret it on the odd day I don't wash it!
Glamm - I've got a few pairs of comfy trousers - some for summer, some for winter - and I live in those if I'm not going out.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)