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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Morning everyone
    expensive repairs but they have to be done don’t they,
    Be nice to have S home today ,Is she watching the dreaded Tennis is it on for long?
    I don’t take a interest so have no idea.

    It must have been a good workout ,
    We said the same to our GS any heavy lifting etc he can do as payback 😁

    A bright and breezy day here too ideal for drying washing .

    Well I’ve been showered and I’m actually dressed today so that’s an improvement .
    B isn’t so bad either just a few sniffles for him now.
    He thinks he has just had a cold plus it’s not long ago he had another COVID Jab so he was covered we think.

    I got a good 6 hours last night to be honest I could have lay longer but I made a effort to get back to normal.

    Its our DD&SILs 26th anniversary today but we won’t see them I dont want them catching anything .
    same reason not going to MILs today either .

    have a good day ladies , hopeDaisy and family are doing as best they can in the circumstances xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, I wondered if you had Covid, hope you feel stronger soon, take it easy now.

      Gemini It is tiring looking after GC once they need entertaining but you wouldn’t miss it for the world. We are lucky having our GC close by. Did the new school know about GS1 refusing to go to school?

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        The gates have been brought back today and are in place.
        We will have to use them manually for a few days.
        Electrician has been to look over it all, and says he will be here on Tuesday to do the wiring.
        Hubby had laid the armoured cable and done a bit of wiring,and the electrician was happy with it.

        Oma,happy anniversary to your DD and SIL.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          A belated thank you for your birthday wishes. I celebrated with my Scottish family and was thoroughly spoilt, meal out, trips to the seaside and lunch with old friends. Lots of lovely presents too and more waiting when I got home! Didn't think I was going to get there as my flight was cancelled as were lots of others going to Scotland! I eventually got the train up which was very pleasant and a much nicer way to travel. Easier too for my DB to pick me up. If there's a route to avoid going into London, I might consider it for my next trip North of the Border!
          Been to see the hip man this afternoon, there is wear and tear on my hip joint, so he's sending me for an injection to see if that clears the pain. Then we'll discuss a hip replacement. I treated myself to tea and cake in the posh farm shop ( Plant knows which one!) on the way home. Blinkin' pain this getting old though!

          I've been and cast my vote and the polling station seems to have been busy all day. There were quite a few younger voters when I went in. Had a problem with our candidates as there were two with the same name! Had to make sure you didn't put your cross beside the wrong one!

          Oma, your GS is a t Leeds Beckett isn't he? GS went for a visit yesterday and was very impressed with the facilities especially for the sports course which he wants to do. The campus looks very impressive!

          Hope you're on the way to recovery now Oma and that B just has a cold. I'm coughing good tyle again! Hope too any other poorly people are feeling better.

          Sending love to Daisy and her family xx
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Oma I hope you felt better as the day went on, and even better tomorrow.

            Plant I presume DD has let the new school know about the present situation, but I don't know. I will update a bit more about this on YEO later .

            Welcome home WG. I hope the injection helps. I can tell you that hip replacement recovery is far quicker and much less painful than knee, so you can be encouraged if you do end up needing one.

            We have a postal vote now so didn't have to go to the polling station. We decided last year to do this.
            Such a lovely busy day with GS3. We didn't go anywhere but were outside most of the day. It was sunny but windy!
            He is so cute , entertaining and adorable, a day with him is always a good one
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              I have the postal vote as well. Hubby doesn't vote.
              He's only voted once and that was for Brexit.

              Gem, been very windy here,but it seems to have calmed down a little bit.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning. Its sunny after overnight rain.

                This afternoon we are going to visit GD1 and hubby to take our Tommie's birthday presents.

                No cooking today, we are having fish and chips.

                Hope those under the weather are feeling a bit better.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning ladies.

                  Sunny with clouds and yet again windy here.

                  Tommie will be happy to see You Nan2. Two year olds are so cute aren't they?

                  Aquafit for me this morning. I don't often go to the Friday class but I booked this as I couldn't go on Monday due to the meeting. This afternoon OH and I are going to see GS2 in the Year 3 and 4 end of year concert. We will then bring him here for the usual Friday visit and tea.

                  I hope everyone is well,or at least on the mend.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning everyone
                    Im so much better , Ive even managed to go to Morrisons for some shopping ,
                    Feel worn out now but I did it 😁

                    GS goes to Leeds Conservatoire of music but Conner his flat mate and friend goes to Beckett , they both love Leeds and it’s a good social scene too.
                    Hope the injection helps with the pain

                    I do so miss the school concerts we loved seeing them all , has GS got a part to play?
                    Another day of none golf for S you will be getting used to her being home soon 😁

                    I bet Tommy is happy to see you both especially with presents 🎁 enjoy your Fish & Chips

                    We have postal votes too ,
                    All we can do now is hope this lot do a good job but I doubt it , like all governments they set out to do well then fail miserably .
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      I'm glad you're on the mend Oma, but don't overdo it!
                      OH only has golf tomorrow, then no more until after our holiday.
                      GS2 always wants to be a narrator if possible. He is very good at it, and really dislikes dressing up.
                      I'm not sure today. All I know is it's called Chocolate Story. We shall see!

                      I'm enjoying a sit down and a sandwich after my class and shower, then off to see the play .
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Wee Granny, sorry you are having pain in your hip, I hope the injections puts off a replacement for a while. Unusual posh tea shop, their plants are good too as are their strawberries.

                        Gemini, have a good aquafit and a lovely time with GS3

                        Nanto, have a lovely day with the birthday boy and no cooking. I wrote this yesterday but didn’t post it for some reason

                        I had a postal vote. Our MP was on television last evening, he thought, as things were turning out, he might loose his seat, shame because he is a good one, we shall see what the new candidate will be like.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Good morning. Cloudy this morning.

                          WG, hope the injections help.

                          It was lovely seeing GD and family yesterday.

                          No cooking again today, we are going into town.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning, cloudy here as Nanto! I went to the next village on the bike for a few things, I just got home and the heavens opened! It is very windy as well. Strange weather.

                            WG, the wife of one of the men at the office had an injection for her hip last week, I will be hearing on Monday if it has helped. A friend opposite me had a hip replacement not so long ago, she was out and about on her bike after 4 weeks, I met her in the shopping centre and could hardly believe she had healed so quickly.

                            I have both the girls here on Thursday, we are going out for a meal then they will stay the night, Friday we are going to Rotterdam, I have treated them to nail treatment for their holidays!

                            We have aquafit on Monday, the last one for 2 months.

                            I went to the circuit training again yesterday, no pain this time! It is very "heavy" though!!

                            When do you go away Gem?

                            Are you feeling better now Oma? I was next door yesterday for coffee, well I had coffee, M has stopped drinking coffee and has been ill for a fortnight with withdrawal symptoms .


                              Good morning everyone.

                              Another no cooking day Nan2, good for you

                              GS2 did very well in the show yesterday. It was a short version of the story of chocolate, with songs. The year 4 children had the speaking parts. As GS is in Year 3 they had all the singing. One song was from the Wonka film. GS was front row centre stage for that as he is a good confident singer and puts all the expression into it It was Freezy Friday again after school as Year 5 are still fundraising towards their residential, so lollies in the playground again.

                              Golf for OH this afternoon. It's a competition match which had to be postponed as one of the ladies injured her knee. This is the last opportunity to play before the cut off date. Thunder and lightening is forecast for the time of play, so we shall see. I shall be sorting out my holiday stuff today. I need moisturiser too so I will be popping out at some point.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                I didn't see your post Lizzie!
                                We fly at 7.30 on Tuesday morning so will be leaving home around 4.30. Early night on Monday!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

