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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    I don’t know Gem come the winter she doesn’t shave her legs 🤣🤣🤣
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      LOL Oma!

      All went well at my appointments. OH drove me there as she was free.
      GS1 came trick or treating as a hilarious T rex. He and DD came in for a while.
      Some little sods stole my trick or treat bowl so I'm not best pleased about that. That's the last time I leave anything out.

      Night ladies, sweet dreams!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning.
        Guess what, it's raining again. If anyone has some sun, it would be gratefully received if you sent some our way.

        Gem, glad your appointments went well.

        No plans today, just a go with the flow day.

        Dinner is chicken stew with dumplings.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning everyone

          Its raining hard here and so cold the wind isn’t helping with the temperatures either.

          Go with the flow days always end up busy don’t they 😁

          Got Dog today so won’t be going out , will take him on a quick walk if the rain eases but doesn’t look like it will.

          Lovely little ones all dressed up last night , more than I thought but I was fully loaded and B still managed to get a few sweets that were left😁

          Loved the pics of your visiting Dinosaur 🦖 so funny 🤣
          Some greedy older kids I bet stole the bowl

          Wonder how Plant is enjoying her holiday hope she hasn’t had too much rain,

          How you feeling today ?
          Did you sleep well .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good Wednesday morning, everyone. It's just started to rain here.

            Nanto, I'd gladly send you some sun if we had any. Enjoy your go with the flow day.

            Gem, I loved your visit from TRex! I bet he has a great time. How mean of someone to steal your Hallowee'n bowl.

            Oma, will Storm want to lie in the garden and enjoy the rain? Eva and I got caught in a downpour yesterday and she really wasn't amused. You could tell she blamed me for it! . It sounds as though you had a good Hallowee'n evening. Sorry if I missed this, but how did B's hospital appointment go?

            Thank you, Oma, yes I slept well, but still feel a bit tired this morning. It's our usual Wednesday routine today. We're bracing ourselves for the storm which is forecast to hit later today.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning everyone.

              No sun here to send you I'm afraid Nan2 but at least its not raining.

              Oma I hope the rain eases off for the dog walk.

              Stay safe in the storm Daisy.

              GS2 is here today. He will be picked up early in order for us to set off for the theatre. When we booked the tickets I didn't expect to have him today as Friday is his usual day.
              Theatre in Leeds tonight

              I had a bad night due to the extra exertions at physio yesterday but I'm sure tonight will be better!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Bs appointmrent went ok thank you for asking ,
                Kidneys no better but no worse so it’s just keeping a regular eye on them ,
                Its all damage from the constant Chemo he had over 5 years , lots of people who have chemo for a long time get Kidney problems.
                Storm loves the snow and cold but doesn’t like rain especially on his ears 😁

                Enjoy tonight and your day with GS xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Weather is as expected, sunshine and showers. Today we have been to a museum about the D Day landings on the beach in the second world war, then we went to a biscuit factory and bought some biscuits, had a coffee and a wonderful piece of tart tatin (sp). We have just had lunch on a pizza which you order from a machine in a car park, it was very acceptable. We are not going out tomorrow as we are expecting the storm.

                  Oma, pleased to hear that B’s appt went well apart from the kidneys

                  Gemini, have a lovely time at the theatre. Love GS’s Halloween costume. I expect the bowl was stolen because it was empty.

                  Daisy pleased to hear you had a good night, you must be thoroughly tired out.

                  Wonder what the news is of Glamm, I expect it will take a while for her to get her strength back
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    OH posted on the local FB group about our trick or treat bowl. Someone had seen where it was dumped, OH went to retrieve it this afternoon so we have it back. 2 others posted that their sweets plus bowl were stolen last night. One a plastic cauldron but one the lady's mixing bowl! I hope they get theirs back
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma, glad B's appointment went well.

                      We did gat a couple of hours sunshine.
                      I put the towels out for a blow. Didn't dry them thoroughly,but as one supermarket says,every little helps.

                      Gem, glad you at least got your bowl back.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Gs came on way to the driving range , couldn’t play a round of golf as it’s never stopped raining
                        Storm would only go out for a wee then he was straight back in.

                        I bet all the bowls were stolen by the same group or person , shame on them
                        Pleased you got it back .

                        Ive heard about those Pizza machines I’ve heard they are not too bad .
                        Will you bring the biscuits home or eat them there , 😁

                        Hope you find plenty to do tomorrow xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma, I have to smile at Storm not liking rain on his ears, bless him. I bet there are a lot of golf courses closed at the moment. I'm sure B is doing well to keep his kidney function stable after so much treatment. He's amazing. xx

                          Gem, I hope you've had a great night out at the theatre. Perhaps you'll sleep better tonight.

                          Plant, it sounds as though you are having a good time. I can't imagine getting pizza from a machine, but then I suppose you couldn't even get a coffee from a machine at one time!

                          We had rain then sun this morning. So I grabbed the moment and took Eva out, just round the block. We were about half way round when the heavens opened and within 2 minutes we were both soaked. By the time we got home the sun was shining again. It was lovely when we went to dog training this afternoon, but then more torrential showers. I half expected the roof to fall in or blow off the village hall where we meet! There was flooding round the building as well. It's raining now and the wind's getting up. It's gone quite cold.

                          I hope nobody else is in the path of all this weather.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning. It looks like the storm has passed us by. Hopefully.
                            Just watching the news, it's bad for down south. Take care Daisy.
                            Apparently supermarket shelves are empty, due to panic buying.

                            No plans again for us today. A few little jobs to do.

                            Take care ladies.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Morning Nanto/Ladies

                              It's wild here and the rain is lashing down think we having the tail end of the storm .
                              It's been like this all night the wind is whipping the trees around .
                              Got to go to MILs and Aldi then if this keeps up it will be the rest of the day at home .
                              Pity all those in this storms path poor people.
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning, it is very wet and windy here as well.

                                I hope your MIL is in a good mood Oma.

                                I want to do some sewing today, I am cooking beetroot at the moment, I will have it with a mackerel salad later on.

                                I hope the storm has missed you all! DS1 is in the UK for his work.

