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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good morning everyone.

    Nan2, a wander round town and a meal sounds good, I hope it stays fine.

    That was a busy day Daisy!

    Did you get a decent night's sleep Oma?

    GS2 told me yesterday he will be getting his new glasses on Thursday. So I should see them on Friday. He seemed fine about it and seemed to have chosen glasses easily. He told me 'I left out the ones for girls, the ones with patterns on and the ones which were too big or too small and found some'!

    Baby GS3 is coming at midday. His mummy and auntie and going to the theatre this afternoon. His daddy sets off for week in India (for work) today hence Grandma babysitting. He will miss the baby SO much.
    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gemini, very sensible of GS to leave out the ones for the girls. I find it very difficult to choose glasses. Lots of cuddles for you today.

      Daisy, what is the pay for Receptionists and telephonists in the Daisy house? That car reminds me of the Hokey Coky, in out and shake it all about. At least Eva will be happy it is back.

      Oma, I must see if my lovely cleaner is a skirting fanatic next time she comes. GD1, H and I had lunch yesterday at a garden centre and I bought some bark chipping to scatter on a weed less (at the moment) border.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Yes I slept reasonably well thank you , I was so tired I was in bed by 10.30 😁
        GS sounds so grown up choosing his own glasses 😁
        Hope DDs enjoy the theatre,

        How are they getting on in the new house have they settled yet,
        It can’t be long for other GDs Baby now is it ?
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Afternoon all. Horrible day,snow, rain, snow, rain and its so dark and cold.

          Was going to strip the bed today but will leave it until tomorrow the weather might be better for pegging sheets outside

          Oma I have a long handled brush to clean the skirtings , if I got down on my knees I would never get up again without having to crawl into the bedroom to pull myself up with the aid of the bed.
          Good to hear that you had a better night's sleep.

          Gem have a lovely day with baby GS2

          This afternoon is perfect for feet up this afternoon with a cuppa and a good film on tv so that's what I plan to do

          Have a good day everyone
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            I can’t get on my knees I have to get on my bum and bum shuffle around then bum shuffle into the sitting room and haul myself up on the sofa 🀣🀣🀣

            Its dark wet and freezing here,
            DD didn’t come just as she was about to leave the house the heavens opened and never stopped since .

            GS & SIL went to play golf they most likely ended up in the golf house or the covered in driving range ,
            We will find out tomorrow when GS comes to visit 😁
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              You can tell we are a Grandma forum , with our dodgy knees, not being able to easily get up off the floor etc

              Oma dark and wet here too. DD wanted us to get E into the garden for a bit, but no chance! Not a good day for golf.

              That sounds a good way to spend the afternoon Mimi .

              Baby is asleep at the moment.
              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                GD2 and her partner have been looking at a house today with DD and Sil. It is not far from here, at the moment they live in South London. They are very keen to buy the house but the owners are already in negotiation with another family but there is a hold up there. I hope GD and partner will be able to buy it, it suits them very well for a first home. No news yet on GD1 and her partner selling their flat, I don’t think her partner is chasing the part ownership company, there was no hurry to move to his stepfathers house. In the meantime they are still paying for the flat. Words fail me!

                Oma, I looked behind my radiators earlier and it certainly needs a clean, I will put it on the list. Enjoy your GS’s visit.

                Mimi, I hope you enjoyed your afternoon resting and had no surprise visitors.

                Gemini, How long have you got GS3 for?

                Oma, I think I have mislead you - GD2 and partner are viewing houses near here, at the moment living in London. GD1, her partner and H are living with her OH’s stepfather. GS1 and his wife have a boy and a girl and they are expecting new baby boy in 4 weeks. GS2, the physio and his wife are talking about going to China for a month. Then there are my DS’s and Dil’s 2 sons. The eldest, who you have met, is planning to spend a month in Japan with girl friend and the youngest has a bicycle repair business. Of course these computer wizz people can work anywhere.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  hallo everyone, Plant, you have a widespread family!

                  It has been a lovely day here, windy but dry with it. I got a message from DS1 saying GD2 was playing football and would I like to go and watch, which I did, they are all girls 13 to 16 years olds, the town girls, oh dear, the language, 90% were dark but that is normal in the towns, towards the end of the match there was a lot of trouble and fighting, girls!! DS1 is 6ft 5ins, he was the the man with the flag, the names they called him! GD2 went to protect him and said "that is my father" that is when they tried to thump her!!
                  By this time the referee was handing red cards out, only thing was, they ignored him, until he got really annoyed, he did get annoyed as well and had to stop the game! He managed to split the teams and GD's team were taken to the changing room, the parents were waiting for them to come out so stood talking, they were as surprised as I was. The other team were taken by a longer route to their changing room, what happened after that we don't know, DS1 says he hopes they get banned from future games.
                  No wonder the schools in the towns and cities can't get the teachers if the pupils behave like that.

                  I went back home with them so got to see the garden, it is looking good and should be finished this week, they are having a verandah attached to the house then it is almost finished.


                    Nanto, did you end up buying something in town?

                    Gem, GS2 has taken the choosing of his glasses very seriously. My GD2 does as well. Last time she decided on one pair of glasses and one pair of prescription sun glasses, rather than having a spare pair. I hope little E had a good nap - we grans need toddlers to nap even more than they need it themselves.

                    Plant, that house sounds just what your GD2 and her partner are looking for, so I hope it works out for them. Not long now till GS2 and DIL2's baby arrives. It's a lovely time of year to have a baby, light mornings, weather improving (hopefully) and all the glory of Spring, with the summer to look forward to as well.

                    Lizzie, how shocking that a girls' football match descended into a fight! I worry for today's teenagers, they live in such a violent, frightening world. Teachers need to have a lot of discipline skills these days I should think. DS1's new garden sounds lively and seems to have got finished very quickly.

                    Unlike most of you, we have had a nice day, with a fair bit of sun and not too windy. I've been gardening all afternoon, including cutting the lawn. There's not much to show for it but it was lovely to get outside and enjoy the bulbs in flower and the birds chirping away. Eva has been 'helping' by entertaining me with a squeaky vinyl ball, plus offering lots of cuddles to distract me!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Gem, glad GS has chosen his glasses.

                      Lizzie, that sounds like one heck of football match.

                      We bought a few bits and bobs in town, including more daffodils,
                      I like a bunch of daffies on the kitchen table. Got plenty in the garden,but i like to leave them there.
                      We had just got into the cafe for coffee when the heavens opened.
                      This afternoon we had a bit of watery sun.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        We had a nice afternoon with GS3. DD1 came back after the theatre with DD3 for a cuppa, then DD3 dropped her home.

                        Nan2 I bought daffodils this morning too. I love having them in the house .

                        Lizzie, I'm shocked about the football team members.

                        Good to know someone is having nice weather Daisy!

                        Plant, GS3 was only here for the afternoon. His mummy took him home after tea .

                        It's late so goodnight everyone xx
                        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          No frost this morning and it's not raining.

                          No plans for today, but things could change.

                          I've got a little bit of ironing to do.

                          We had a lovely roast beef dinner in town yesterday, so I'm doing jacket potatoes with cheese and beans. Need to get some more cheese out of the freezer.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good Sunday morning, everyone. We've had a hard frost - everything was white first thing, but the sun's out and it's warming up a bit.

                            Nanto, that roast dinner yesterday will save you a lot of cooking today! Once that ironing's done put you feet up and relax.

                            Gem, that sounds a lovely afternoon - baby E and then DD 1 and DD3 for a cuppa. I hope you slept well after that late night.

                            No plans for me yet today. Lots of things I could do, but we'll see.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning all .
                              Fine and dry!

                              Its nice to have free day Nan2 and Daisy.

                              I did sleep well thank you Daisy

                              We are going to friends J and M for lunch today. Not a roast as J's is vegetarian but it will be nice and it's always a treat to be cooked for.
                              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Daisy, I am surprised you could cut your grass, our lawns are quealchy (sp), We have Jack Frost and sunshine today.

                                Family gathering for lunch next door, I don’t think I will go in for lunch, DD has enough to cook for, although I expect GD2 and her partner will help. I am providing 2 crumbles from the freezer. Lots of discussion about the house buying, they like it enough to put in an offer but the owners do have a buyer but there is a problem there. Never straightforward in house buying or selling. I do hope they are able to proceed. New neighbours across the road moved in yesterday, lovely to have children in the road again.

                                Nanto, Lovely picture of the squirrels, wish the ones who visit my garden and eat all the birds nuts were as cute.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

