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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good Monday morning, everyone. It's dry here but very chilly.

    Nanto, pizza sounds good. Do you both like the same kinds?

    Plant, is it far to your local hospital. It sounds as though you could do with a lazy day. xx

    Gem, S must be very fed up with no golf still. I hope the massage helps DD3. Does she carry baby around on her hip a lot? The cinema trip sounded good, and lovely comfy sofas!

    Oma, the salt mines sound quite intimidating. I hope they have a good journey home. Does Storm enjoy his walks with the dog walker? Bailey loves his dog walker - he's out with her now.. At least Scully hasn't followed them, she curled up in the living room, snug as a bug.

    Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and good wishes. DS is due in theatre at 12 o'clock so we re unlikely to hear anything until around tea-time. He was in good spirits this morning and his room is quite palatial. DIL sent me a photo of the meals menus - absolutely incredible. He will be in ICU overnight but hopefully back in his room tomorrow.

    The boys got themselves up and out this morning. GS1 had to go in early to prep stuff before going out to see a client in Godalming. GS2 had to take his car in to have something fixed, but he walked back and is working from home, so the house is very quiet.

    Eva has registered her protest at me leaving her! She licked her wound yesterday evening, and was sick in the night. Then refused her breakfast with her ABs in. OH has just taken her for a walk to tire her out and then hopefully she'll sleep!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      A long day for you all Daisy clock watching and worrying,
      Poor Eva she will find it strange J walking her alone .

      Storm loves the walker he came home absolutely filthy his white paws are brown ,
      Iv gave them a bit of awash but he hates you touching his paws so the muds off but they far from clean 🙄

      I messaged Glamms DD this morning Glamms not good this is her reply
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      This gallery has 1 photos.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Afternoon all. By heck its flipping cold today!

        Daisy , any news about your DS

        Plant how are you feeling?

        Not a lot has happened here the last few dayfe.No more reports of any windows being brought thankfully.

        My stupid hip has been giving me jip the last few days. Its been waking me up at night and yesterday I was unable to walk far. I just went up the path to the gate and had to turn around and come back indoors.
        Today I was able to go out and go for a short walk .
        I know OH is trying not to be helpful, he keeps showing me all the adds for arthritis pain relief. He believes them all , whereas I am a little more suspicious 🤔. I know that some creams and oils may help but which ones in the dozens of adds he has seen ?

        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Hallo everyone, Mimi, I am the same with arthritis, from my toes to my shoulders! How can a cream or oil help? It isn't the muscle is it, they told me in the hospital to take paracetamol if the pain was unbearable. I had an injection in the foot, never again, it didn't help and was very painful.

          It is cold here as well, feels like minus 10! I see some ice rinks are already open, to everyone's delight, well, the Dutch people.

          I have been to aqua, I did coffee this morning and they asked me if I would help when the men help with all the tax forms, in March that is, it is also on a Monday afternoon, at first I said I couldn't as I go to aqua then I decided I would do it, I can miss aqua for a few weeks, I do get enough exercise.

          Gem, how did you DD3 get on? I have just had a message from DIL2, she still feels bad and is going back to the surgery tomorrow .

          Oma, Storm will be sorry to go home tomorrow. Poor Glamm, I read the message, I do hope she soon improves.

          Daisy, thinking of you and your DS, poor Eva, she will miss

          Nanto, I hope you managed to cook a meal!

          You must be feeling more yourself Plant, take it easy though.


            Mimi, do you think your hip may need replacing? It must be horrible it giving you so much pain. It is hard to know over the counter treatments will help I agree.

            Poor Glamma, Oma. I wonder of she should have gone to rehab pace rather that straight home from hospital? It sounds as though she is not ready to be alone yet.

            Hoping all is going well for Daisy's DS.

            I had a lovely time with the baby. We ate our lunch together and played and had stories. I changed him and not long after that DD was back. I had a nice chat with her before driving back.

            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              I’ve been thinking about Daisy’s DS and all the family today.

              Poor Glamma . Perhaps she was discharged a bit early from hospital. It must have been unbearable for her to be on the floor so long..

              I much prefer this cold weather to all that rain. I had a dentist appointment today and went by taxi as our hour and a half bus service wouldn’t have fitted in with the appointment time. I’ve got to go back for one filling that I lost a while ago so knew I’d have to go back. Everything else okay and dentist said I was doing a good job looking after my teeth!

              I hope everyone keeps warm and takes care if going out in icy weather.


                Lizzie I tell OH the pain is from bone rubbing on bone, not muscle pain But it's confusing as there are so many products out there

                Gem I hope I don't need a hip replacement. I already have check ups concerning as to whether I may need a prolapse bladder and bowel op

                Has anyone had snow yet. We've had a few light flurries so I suppose the Co-op by us has sold out of milk, bread and toilet rolls. It doesn't take much to make people panic buy!
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Just looked in again and read that poor Glamm had fallen out of bed and was on the floor for some time. I wonder if she needs a bed guard.

                  Daisy, my local hospital where I collect one of my drugs from is about 4 miles away, not far really. They don't do much there, mainly clinics, but the heart department is still there.

                  Spent quite a bit of the day with GD and H, at least I got her birthday present ordered.

                  Mimi, I am so sorry to hear you are in bad pain, have the medics suggested a hip replacement?
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    my brothers wife had a op for her bladder bowel prolapse some years ago now , not pleasant but she's so much better now .

                    Arthritis is a pain literally, I think we all sympathise knowing how it feels x x

                    B lost part of his front tooth filling tonight so a trip to dentist for him too.
                    I would rather the cold than this constant rain everything is saturated isnt it .

                    Did H enjoy Bluey ? She looked so cute in her outhit 🙂

                    Sounds like a lovely few hours with baby xx

                    Glamms DD is off all day tomorrow Thursday and Friday so going to spend as much time as possible with her , she thinks the same she shouldn't be out of hospital or at least in Respite, luckily her DD is a Carer so knows how to look after Glamm .

                    DD is on her way home should land about 9.30 they have had a lovely break .

                    GS has to go back to Leeds tomorrow he has the music studio booked to do some work so he will be going straight to bed when they get home .

                    Wonder if Daisy has had any news yet x
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Poor Glamma, hope there is some improvement soon.

                      Gem, poor S not being able to get any golfing done.
                      Glad you had a nice day.

                      Wonder if Daisy has had any news yet.

                      Well we have had a good clear out in the outhouse. Got rid of a few tins of paint.
                      On the top shelf was a black bin liner with something in it.
                      I said i thought it was and old hose pipe, hubby had no idea what it was.
                      When we looked it was a paddling pool,the kids had when they were very young.
                      It must be at least 50 years old,because both of them are in their 50's.
                      Thats in the pile of stuff that is going to the tip.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Forgot to say , we downsized to our bungalow almost 3 years ago and we have finally got around to hanging some pictures up on the walls
                        One is an collage of photo's of DD's wedding ( 2013) and the other one is a canvas print of drawings that GC have done of me . I seem to have made an impression on them that I have yellow hair , big glasses ( just think Deirdre in Corrie ) and wear a long red dress !
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Hello again everyone. It's getting late and Im very tired, but I just wanted to let you know thatDS1's operation went very well. He was nearly 2hours late going into theatre so was later when he came out, but the consultant was very pleased with how things went, and DIL was able to visit DS in the ICU for a few minutes. we was well enough to crack a few jokes, but obviously very weary and still a bit sleepy. We'll know more tomorrow but at least he's come through the op well, and tomorrow is the first day of recovering.

                          Thank you so much for all those who have sent good wishes and been wondering how he was. I'm very touched and grateful. Night night everyone. xxx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy, thank you so much for coming here to update us. I know you must be so tired.

                            I'm so pleased, you have been on my mind all day.

                            Sleep well dear Daisy xxxx
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good news Daisy x

                              Goodnight all
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Daisy, that is good news. So pleased for you all.
                                Hope you managed to get some sleep.

                                Hubby out for a couple of hours this morning. I'm going to clean inside the cupboards and clean the worktops in the outhouse, then get some stuff put back. Freezer being delivered today.

                                Dinner will be fish in breadcrumbs, mash, veggies and parsley sauce.
                                Last edited by Nanto2girls; 09-01-2024, 08:09 AM.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

