Our niece gave birth to there first child today (11 days overdue) by C section .
Autumn Rose weighed in at 9 lb 8 oz and 22 1/2 inches long she has arrived on her Daddy's Birthday ,
This is the niece and husband if you remember me telling you have taken in his two siblings as they were being taken into care due to mother's neglect and drink problem , At only 24 &25 they have taken a lot on but the children are doing well at school and they are all very settled and happy , now they have a new little person to add to their home 😊
Autumn Rose weighed in at 9 lb 8 oz and 22 1/2 inches long she has arrived on her Daddy's Birthday ,
This is the niece and husband if you remember me telling you have taken in his two siblings as they were being taken into care due to mother's neglect and drink problem , At only 24 &25 they have taken a lot on but the children are doing well at school and they are all very settled and happy , now they have a new little person to add to their home 😊