Our baby GransRus is 5 today!
Most of us have known each other longer, but this forum began 5 years ago.
Over the last 5 years Daisy and I have learned a lot. We have a lot to learn still , but we are proud of everything we have learned.
We have managed with the invaluable help of our mods, Oma, Nan2 and Plant, to keep a lively forum running.
We have improved things as we have gone along, and improved the security. We have plans do do more.
We have lost members who have drifted away, and saddest of all, lost a member who passed away last summer.
We have gained two lovely and active members, who enhance the forum by their presence.
We hope to gain a few more members. We always aim to remain small, but a few more people added to the mix make it interesting.
Thinking about everything which has enabled us remain active and still here after 5 years, we have to thank you, our members.
Everyone who calls in and posts, even if it's not often and even if it's not much, keep this forum alive. You are the forum. No posts no forum!
I want to say a huge thank you to you all for your support and friendship, and especially to the core of members who are always here, week after week. posting, and keeping this forum alive.
For me personally the last 5 years have sent a 3rd grandchild and 2nd grandson, breast cancer, the loss of 2 beloved and elderly cats, and more good times than bad.
I have to say I value the strong friendships I have made here, with those I have met and those I haven't. You are all a big part of my life.
To have this community where we share the common bond of grandchildren, and support each other through whatever life throws at us, is so important to me.
And finally, even if it makes her blush, I have to say that Daisy is a wonderful person to co-admin a forum with. We have not had one disagreement in the 5 years, and we listen to each other's ideas, and both just get on and do what is to be done. We make a good team. I just wish we didn't live so far apart!
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GransRus, long may you live!

Feel free to add your own thoughts on the last 5 years
Most of us have known each other longer, but this forum began 5 years ago.
Over the last 5 years Daisy and I have learned a lot. We have a lot to learn still , but we are proud of everything we have learned.
We have managed with the invaluable help of our mods, Oma, Nan2 and Plant, to keep a lively forum running.
We have improved things as we have gone along, and improved the security. We have plans do do more.
We have lost members who have drifted away, and saddest of all, lost a member who passed away last summer.
We have gained two lovely and active members, who enhance the forum by their presence.
We hope to gain a few more members. We always aim to remain small, but a few more people added to the mix make it interesting.
Thinking about everything which has enabled us remain active and still here after 5 years, we have to thank you, our members.
Everyone who calls in and posts, even if it's not often and even if it's not much, keep this forum alive. You are the forum. No posts no forum!
I want to say a huge thank you to you all for your support and friendship, and especially to the core of members who are always here, week after week. posting, and keeping this forum alive.
For me personally the last 5 years have sent a 3rd grandchild and 2nd grandson, breast cancer, the loss of 2 beloved and elderly cats, and more good times than bad.
I have to say I value the strong friendships I have made here, with those I have met and those I haven't. You are all a big part of my life.
To have this community where we share the common bond of grandchildren, and support each other through whatever life throws at us, is so important to me.
And finally, even if it makes her blush, I have to say that Daisy is a wonderful person to co-admin a forum with. We have not had one disagreement in the 5 years, and we listen to each other's ideas, and both just get on and do what is to be done. We make a good team. I just wish we didn't live so far apart!
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GransRus, long may you live!

Feel free to add your own thoughts on the last 5 years
