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In car phone


    In car phone

    Does anyone have phone connection in their car we have set it up but don't know whether I have to switch in blue tooth need help please or do I just experiment Bluetooth on Bluetooth off lol

    You need Blue tooth switched on on your phone then try to connect it should come up with options πŸ˜€
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Yes Oma is right, look for the option "pairing" and keep the phone turned to Bluetooth and it should pick it up. Godsend for travelling long distances I found although I don't do long distances any more (at the moment).
      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


        Yay got it working rang home whilst out and left a message and lo and behold it worked, we have had this car a year and just got round to the phone larkπŸš˜πŸ“ž thanks ladies


          Glad you got it sorted Qwerty!
          OH has in phone car kit, as she needed it in her job as a funeral director, and it's still in situ. I couldn't have told you how it works though
          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            Glad you got it sorted Qwerty!
            OH has in phone car kit, as she needed it in her job as a funeral director, and it's still in situ. I couldn't have told you how it works though
            Thanks Gem ok now don't know if I will use it much think if I was driving I would still ignore it lol if I were on my own, just handy if a passenger eg me can answer I never hear it in my bag. Driving in Leeds you need your wit abt you never mind answering the phone even though all the buttons are on the steering wheel !


              Ooh, yes, I daren't drive in Leeds! I can drive to Leeds airport as you don't touch Leeds itself, otherwise OH has to drive us!
              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

