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Clever People


    Clever People

    Just been reading Bizzy Lizzy`s thread about her new ipad you must have a look what a clever lady she is , well it got me thinking how are you with Technology ? .Myself i am useless if i do anything it has to come with step by step instructions in language i understand , i was telling BL how when Hubby was in hospital i had to watch TV in the bedroom for 3 days as our TV went into update mode and i had no idea how to get the channels back on Hubby came home pressed exit on the remote and hey presto we had Programmes
    As you all know when we redid the Kitchen some months ago we put a new oven and induction hob in well im ashamed to say last week i had to ring Hubby while he was at the hospital to ask how to put the grill on and last night while i was baby sitting at DD the TV went on to record the football and i had to watch it as i didnt know how to use the sky remote to change it over while it was recording what was wrong with having a few knobs on the TV you changed manually much easier world then I think anyone who can tackle Tech stuff are very clever people
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Wdll, Oma, I've been doing it for 17 or more years now, hooked on PC's when they first arrived fell in love with SKy when DD introduced me to the range of programmes on offer. I don't watch TV much, less then 2 hours a day I think. But I can record the things I want to see and whizz through the interminable ads

    I can keep in touch with family and friends all over the planet via FB or Skype. As I am also working I find the internet invaluable for this, Banking, and all my Team, and research al sorts of things now made easier.

    But it is OH who is a technophobe He can manage the laptop as long as I programme it for him. He has no idea about SKY or the Smart phone despite my showing him endless times, I think he just switches off

    For him, Oma it was once an easier world, although, I hesitate to say this, as a Male of the Species, he does love women to swarm (good word that Dave) around him showing him things he will never, ever take in!!!

    If you were married to him Oma, both of you would still be operating in the 80,s or before !!!
    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


      Yep about right there Elisi ☺he tells me over and over how to do things it just leaves my head as soon as he stops talking , I'm ok with searching the Web and doing things I need to do but only because I have done them lots of times , my talents lie elsewhere . Hubby has loved all this stuff since it came out he soaks up knowledge where my brain wrings it out again 😀
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I have owned a computer in one form or another for about 12 years now. I decided to get one when I saw on the news that a man of 100 was playing chess on a computer and I thought....."If he can do it at that age so can I "
        With DS, who has owned a PC for many years, we went to Currys and purchased a laptop PC. DS set it up for me with a quick run through and a promise helping me if needed.
        After the first initial few weeks a was, I have to admit a little confused by it all but suddenly it all became easy to me and I haven't looked back since. Although I am not an expert I am more than capable of sorting out any little hiccups that may accur.
        I now have a desktop PC, an iPad and a smart phone all of them I find extremely easy to use. We have Sky TV which , when we are out and about I can set the Sky box to record via my phone or iPad if I so wish.
        Now all I have to get to grips with is Chess.... I have never learnt how to play !
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          OH was very reluctant to embrace technology but eventually was forced to for work purposes. When I first worked at the local surgery we had to hand write masses of prescriptions and all the appointments. It was much easier to squeeze appointments in the gaps etc. once computers took over you had to get the manager to "unlock" the system so it became a lot more rigid.

          I did spend one evening babysitting with no TV when dd1 updated her virgin package. The boys were asleep and I pressed the wrong button and didn't have a clue how to sort it! Would be more prepared to give it a go now I think.


            We had a computer for about a year,before I ever switched it on. Then, when I started using it,there was no stopping me. I'm self taught,but google has been friend over the years. If hubby has a problem with something on the computer,he always asks me to sort it.
            When we get a new television, hubby puts it in place, then says it all yours.I have to set it up, tune in channels,connect it the recorder, then spend an hour learning him things on the remote.
            But, give him a piece of wood and some tools, and he can make anything, and when it comes to DIY, I must admit he's a genius.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I first started to use a computer in the late 1960s. They were very different then, taking up a whole building. I also taught typing and could see that computer users would find touch typing useful. So I did a short programming course to help me understand how typing on a computer keyboard would be different. Then when word processors became popular I taught that too, and progressed to IT when computers arrived in colleges.

              I can still remember the first time I was able to access research material via dial up! It seemed like a miracle. I wouldn't want to be without a computer now, but Oma I don't think it's cleverness, it's just something you learn, like knitting or a language or how to do long division! I'm rubbish at knitting and long division, and not brilliant at languages! 😢
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                We had a Sinclair pc which made me very nervous. First time I decided to try it out I made a mistake and pressed EXIT. Just as I did this all the electricity in the house went off and for a moment I thought it was something I had done on the computer.


                  My very first job was at the Gas Bowrd as a punch card operator. One of the most boring jobs in the world. I used to have to walk past the computer room, the room was full of massive machines. When I look back and think of that room and look at the iPad and realise how far we have come.

                  when we had the shop we had a "computer" it was really a big word processor produced specifically for the florist industry, we used to put the orders on there and it would keep a record of them, it would also print cards. In those day the cards were very little and were given out free, these were very pretty and much bigger and you could choose a verse to be printed on them or make up your own so we charged for them. Husband would never use it. We also had an electronic typewriter with a display screen, not quite a word processor. Later, around 20 years ago I got a computer. There was a bit of frustration at first but after a bit of swearing and threatening the thing with death I got the hang of it.

                  When we closed the shop 16 years ago and I went back into an office it was an eye opener for me, the photlcopiers were like space ships and petrified me! I quickly got the hang of computers and photocopiers. Word was OK. I got the hang of that quickly, PowerPoint was a bit alien but I had got used to using Publisher so I wasn't scared of inserting pictures etc. Exel wS something that took me a long time to get the hang of but now, after all these years I don't have a problem with different programmes such as Access and special bid programmes for construction.

                  Like Daisy I don't think it is particularly clever, it is partly degree to which you use it and for me it has to be daily, and the things you need to do. I need to produce certificates, booklets, cards etc. so they are not difficult for me because I have been doing it for years. Husband is much better with IT now, all BA staff have iPad minis so he has had to get himself used to it but he booked the whole last four days on line so he must be used to it now!
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    I first came into daily contact with computers when I worked for one of the building companies prior to one of my retirement phases lol.The company would send a few of us at a time to Bournmouth Head Office for 3/4 days training
                    about every 6 months for 2 yrs,during this time you would gain bronze/silver/gold badges for your work blazer,nothing regarding paperwork was sent from HO you had to learn the programmes to print off all the legal stuff and order in
                    everything you needed to do your job,I did learn quite a bit but some of the ladies where whizz kids at it and so clever whereas I never got past my silver even after taking the test 3 times I am still lost with some of the things my PC can do
                    and very rarely use my tablet or smartphone I get all of a dither.
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      I've had my computer (not the current ones obviously) for over 25 years, starting with something primitive before that at my place of work. With both sons working in IT and one having a degree in computer science I did get a lot of questions answered in the early days. Now both are busy with other things and not so readily available. Yes Mr. Google can be a great help. Most problems have been encountered by lots and lots of other people who had put solutions on the web. I love having any kind of information at my fingertips and still find the whole IT thing a bit of a miracle. My Mother (who sadly died before the computer age) would have loved the idea that you can sit with what is basically a slab if glass and some wires (okay simplification here) and see the whole world whilst sitting in the armchair. I feel lucky to live in such an age.
                      I do agree about the definition of clever. I cannot find my way around a knitting pattern to save my life, nor can I tell you which week to put out the green bin and which the brown. I have absolutely no sense of direction and can get lost in places that I have been to many times before. It is just of case of being suited to some things and not others. I have a friend that can find her way around London on the tube network with no trouble. The thought of that terrifies me - literally!
                      Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                      Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                        We have had computers since the first dial up and Hubby used to build and sell them and do repairs , I can't tell you the hours I have spent at computer fairs buying stuff but I still have no interest or understand a lot , I can do simple things and I did figure out myself how to put glitter graphics on using my tablet I was very proud of that ☺ simple things please simple minds 😁
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I am very limited to my knowledge about computers but have GC who help. I love my IPad and laptop wouldn't like to be without them now, well I wouldn't have you lovely ladies as my friends
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Well, 2 hours later and I have apparently upgraded to Microsoft 10 Been re-scheduling for ages but bit the bullet tonight! Seems OK, got to get my head around lots of new stuff!
                            Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

