Just been reading Bizzy Lizzy`s thread about her new ipad you must have a look what a clever lady she is , well it got me thinking how are you with Technology ? .Myself i am useless if i do anything it has to come with step by step instructions in language i understand , i was telling BL how when Hubby was in hospital i had to watch TV in the bedroom for 3 days as our TV went into update mode and i had no idea how to get the channels back on Hubby came home pressed exit on the remote and hey presto we had Programmes
As you all know when we redid the Kitchen some months ago we put a new oven and induction hob in well im ashamed to say last week i had to ring Hubby while he was at the hospital to ask how to put the grill on
and last night while i was baby sitting at DD the TV went on to record the football and i had to watch it as i didnt know how to use the sky remote to change it over while it was recording
what was wrong with having a few knobs on the TV you changed manually much easier world then 
I think anyone who can tackle Tech stuff are very clever people

As you all know when we redid the Kitchen some months ago we put a new oven and induction hob in well im ashamed to say last week i had to ring Hubby while he was at the hospital to ask how to put the grill on
