I love trees. Even as a very small child I wanted to have a tree in our garden - the nearest I got was a privet hedge! Then in the second house OH and I lived in we had a row of beautiful mature oak trees. We bought the house in winter and when spring came it was obvious one of them was completely dead and we had to fell it. Even so I felt sad and a bit guilty somehow!
So you can imagine, I love living in a forest, and still hate to see trees cut down. But things move on, and I thought this news clip was very interesting - similar things are being done here to maintain and restore bogs and to replant some areas with native trees.
So you can imagine, I love living in a forest, and still hate to see trees cut down. But things move on, and I thought this news clip was very interesting - similar things are being done here to maintain and restore bogs and to replant some areas with native trees.