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Fibre To The Property


    It must be awful for those families Daisy.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      So nearly there Daisy, I hope it will continue.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Originally posted by Daisy View Post
        Sum 1- I spoke too soon.

        The DMCS have reduced the funding for this project so have cancelled the vouchers we all validated earlier this week! They've sent new ones which we're all in the process of validating (ie accepting), but we've now got no idea what costs we might be committing ourselves to. I'm just hoping loads of people don't back out or the whole project might collapse.

        You couldn't make it up, could you!

        And now it gets even worse!!!!!!

        Today many of us got a THIRD voucher. We don't know whether this cancels version 2 or whether it's a mistake on the DMCS's part, or Open Reach's part or whether they've changed the funding yet again!

        Of course, it's Friday afternoon and hard for our lovely organisers to get hold of anybody who knows anything about it! Grrrrrrrr .....
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)



          We eventually got what we hope is a valid voucher for fibre to the property to be installed in our little area. But it could take a year or so for it to actually happen.

          In the meantime, the Government (no doubt with an eye on voting numbers) have switched their largesse from rural to urban areas with poor broadband speeds. We think/hope our scheme will still go ahead!!

          But one of the areas who will probably benefit from the change in funding is where my DS1 lives. I mentioned elsewhere that this also has its problems. DS1's road is adopted, and the road which is the only vehicle access to it is private. So to lay the cabling needed they have to have the permission of all the home owners in that road to dig it up and put the cable through. DS1 has volunteered to liaise with the 60 or so homes in the private road and explain why it's desirable. He says so far most people have been won over by the thoughts that inferior broadband could affect the sale price of their houses (we've seen this happen in our road), but some seem to think it will adversely affect everything from their tvs to their kettles (I do exaggerate a little).
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, don’t hold your breath. We live in a private unadopted road and they need to come up a track to us. Sil has had the kit for indoors for months but he says they are so inept to talk to each other, namely BT and Broadband. It must be getting on for three years they have been busy around the village, cutting through a friend’s telephone wire. We are hoping they will just turn up one day, Sil has given up trying to talk to them.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Keep crossing fingers, for all concerned!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Plant - how frustrating for you all. It seems BT and Openreach have to liaise quite closely, which is never going to go smoothly. Three years of messing about is awful.

                DS1 is hoping they will get all the residents on the private road to agree to having the cable put in, even if they don't want the connection to their own houses. He's having a bit of trouble finding the owner of one house - the owner is abroad "somewhere" and the house is empty and neglected.

                There is a lot of cabling going on round their town, so they're taking that as a good sign. There is also a small path which is a public path which might be a possible way in if necessary.

                It seems some schemes go through smoothly! When my DS2's estate was cabled by Virgin they did the whole area in one go.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Originally posted by Daisy View Post
                  Thanks, ladies. I think it's fantastic that a couple of ladies who are already busy with careers, children and lockdown restrictions have pulled this together so quickly. They were so well organised. The had volunteers in each little cul de sac and for the various other roads to check everyone had all the information - not everybody is on social media! They kept us up to date at each stage and clarified things when asked. I really take my hat off to them

                  We think it could take up to a year before the job's done, but at least it's made a start.
                  The post I've quoted above was made on 3 March 2021 - nearly two years ago. It's been stop/start ever since and after a nightmare experience with our current providers we have finally got a date for installation of fibre to the inside of our house on 9 March - just over a month away. It could have been done by now if the current providers hadn't "lost" 4 different contracts they'd offered us. Still, after what must be 8 YEARS since we first attended a meeting about the possibility of fibre cables we are within sniffing distance!

                  Then catastrophe! Our next door neighbour, whose house faces out into the main part of our road had a major electrical failure last week-end. The electricity company were working on it for 2 ½ days, and dug a very large deep hole. Eventually the fault was fixed and I mentioned to the workmen that I hope our fibre optic cable was ok - it's above the electricity cable in the ground. The cable is fed through a plastic duct (like a small drainpipe). The day after the electricity people had left I noticed the grey ducting was smashed up, leaving the precious fibre cable exposed and vulnerable.

                  In our innocence we assumed Open Reach would be along to replace the duct and check the cable before the hole was back filled.
                  No! Of course not! Today I happened to notice a lorry of sand in the cul de sac. OH went out to find they'd filled in the hole, without the duct being fixed by OR. The driver told OH that the Council had said it had been open a week and had to be filled in by tomorrow and the tarmac would be done tomorrow. Apparently the electricity company only had a one-week permit to have a hole in the ground.

                  So I tried to find out whether OR were aware, and what we should do. The lady who's organised the whole process (and deserves a medal!) found a contact number for Faults for OR and reported it. Lots more toing and froing, but OR turned up to fix it this afternoon, but Scottish and Southern Electric didn't. OR can't do anything without them being there because the site hasn't been handed back (?to the Council, not sure!) yet. So tomorrow it will all be tarmac'd over and OR will have to dig it all out again!

                  One of our other neighbours is due to have his final connection installed tomorrow, so I hope the cable is working. This has taken over my whole day. Grrrr ......

                  You couldn't make it up could you!

                  Excuse me, I'm just off to a parallel universe where common sense prevails.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good Grief!! 🙀
                    You are right Daisy, you are a good writer but this wouldn't make a believable story!!

                    Please keep us posted. Surely you have all waited FAR too long.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      You couldn't make it up could you? Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand's doing!

                      Some company have just finished laying new cables in the village and are advertising very cheap connection rates. I'm quite happy with my present provider, so I think I'll just stay with them. I don't want to change and then for the prices to rocket or the company to go bust!

                      Hope tomorrow doesn't bring any more bad news Daisy.
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        What a palaver Daisy.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          WeeGranny - the huge irony is that the left hand and the right hand USED to talk to each other, but it seems the system was streamlined or improved!!! So now nobody knows what anyone else is doing. Yes, if you're happy with your current provider I'd stay put, at least until you're out of contract.

                          Gem, sometimes it feels as though we'll never get decent broadband! So close, yet so far at the moment.

                          Nanto, that's what OH said as well.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            What a carry on Daisy, it made me think of the song,​ Hole in the ground by Bernard Cribbins!!!


                              I remember that song Lizzie.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                We are having similar problems in our private road although we have a good connection so we’re not bothered to change but that is not possible. The new cable has to come up a track to our house but we don’t own it just have right of way and that has been granted but still no action. We had a visit one day from someone who was going to dig the side of the track but he went again as nobody had turned up to say where he was to dig. There have been reports of damage they have caused to existing wiring. There are Open Reach vans all over the village.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

