My OH is the proud owner of a decrepit, low tech mobile phone.
He takes it out with him because I remind him to, but no persuasion on my part will make him switch the darned thing on. He says nobody ever rings him - I don't know how he's so sure of this, or if he ever wonders why!
Anyway he was out this morning and I needed to contact him - to pass on a message that would save him having to go somewhere later on. Of course, it was switched off, so, optimistically, I left him a voicemail. Then I phoned the friend he was visiting first and asked him to ask OH to check his messages.
Several hours later OH's friend rang, full of apologies because he'd written the message down but forgotten to give it to OH. I said not to worry - if OH hadn't switched his phone on it was his fault really.
I think he just likes me providing tech and secretarial services!
He takes it out with him because I remind him to, but no persuasion on my part will make him switch the darned thing on. He says nobody ever rings him - I don't know how he's so sure of this, or if he ever wonders why!
Anyway he was out this morning and I needed to contact him - to pass on a message that would save him having to go somewhere later on. Of course, it was switched off, so, optimistically, I left him a voicemail. Then I phoned the friend he was visiting first and asked him to ask OH to check his messages.
Several hours later OH's friend rang, full of apologies because he'd written the message down but forgotten to give it to OH. I said not to worry - if OH hadn't switched his phone on it was his fault really.
I think he just likes me providing tech and secretarial services!
