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Archaeologists lift lid on mystery coffin buried near Richard III


    Archaeologists lift lid on mystery coffin buried near Richard III

    Archaeologists lift lid on mystery coffin buried near Richard III
    Archaeolgists at Leicester Univeristy have found the skeleton of an elderly woman who is likely to have been a benefactor of the friary where Richard III was buried

    A grave discovered near the skeleton of Richard III, could belong to a mysterious woman who was so revered by the church that those who prayed for her were promised ’20 days off purgatory.’

    Archaeologists found a lead coffin near to the site of Richard’s hastily dug grave at the site of Grey Friars friary in Leicester.

    Inside they found the skeleton of an elderly woman who is likely to have been a benefactor of the friary and who was probably buried around 1250AD.

    Although there was no inscription or engraving to hint at the identity of the corpse, archaeologists at Leicester University have speculated that it could be the body of Emma Holt.

    At around the time of the burials, documents show that the Bishop of Lincoln issued an indulgence granting 20-days off Purgatory for anyone who would say 'a Pater and a Ave for the soul of Emma, wife of John of Holt, whose body is buried in the Franciscan church in Leicester'.

    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot