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A shorn cat!


    A shorn cat!

    Our long haired black cat is 18. As she has got older it is harder for her to groom herself fully so her fur gets knotty. We try out best to keep this under control, with brushing, combing and teasing out the knots. Little bit of plant and twig get caught in her tummy fur and get wound up into big knots.
    She won't let us near them, and even the ones on her back very often She is a pretty cat and gentle and even tempered - Until you try to sort out her coat then she is an evil witch! I have had many bites and scratches.
    When it gets really bad we book her into the vets to be sorted out. Today is the third time this has happened . The last time was a couple of years ago.
    They end up shaving her tummy and some areas on her back and flank. It is a relief to have these knots gone and a big relief for the poor cat I'm sure!
    They don't even have to sedate her. She goes all docile, and though they said she was very vocal, she doesn't attack them!
    So, my cat is not at her most beautiful right now,and a bit drafty in certain areas but is a much happier cat generally!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Oh bless her but it will grow back quick enough
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      That must be a relief for her Gemini to have all those knots gone
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        I bet she still looks cute.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Gem our cat has started to look very untidy around her lower back, I try to comb her but she will only let me comb her for about 10 seconds before she starts to wriggle away from me. It’s getting worse and now her tail has taken on a whole new look and we all know cats will not let you anywhere near that !
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Yes Mimi, "Approach at your Own Risk!"
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              There was a programme on not long ago about grooming your cat ,
              One lady had really nasty scratches all along her arms and on her face and neck where her loving gentle cat had become a monster when she tried to groom it ,
              I wonder why they don't like it ?

              DD cats Tally is no bother she's short haired looks like the Felix cat and Storm is constantly licking her so she's well groomed

              Buzz on the other hand always looks neglected and tatty even when he's been to the vets and they give him a brush while hes there, he comes back looking no better , we call him Stig of the dump
              DD wouldn't dream of trying to brush him he would be up the curtains then swinging from the light fittings if she tried hahaha ,

              Jasper when he does come home and DD gives him his worming tablets and flea treatment then brushes him , sits there tolerating it but Growls very loudly all the time , Then shoots out the house never to be seen for months again
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oh bless her it's amazing how quick it grows back but I bet she's still adorable I love moggies be they bald or not ?


                  She still looks pretty
                  Most of the bald bits are on her tummy, but here is a pic of one side of her! shornhermia.jpg
                  Attached Files
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    My darling is about 20 and short haired. She can’t get to her back end to groom, so she prostrates herself in front of whoever is passing hoping for a brush. Glad She isn't long haired, I would have to give her a hair cut myself. 😬😾
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      Lovely as they are Grauntie, I wouldn't have another long haired cat. I have had 2 previously, but they didn't live anywhere close to this age, so it wasn't a problem.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        My handsome chap just loves being groomed he lays next to Poppy when John gives her a brush every evening when we bring them in out of the garden,he tries to paw Poppy away from the brush so he can get preferential treatment he is such a poser of a cat as he sits and preens himself once the brush is put away.My hubby's friend has 6 Maine Coon cats which he and his wife groom every day now that is a chore I would not like to do at any cost.
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

