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Daughters cat being terrorised!


    Daughters cat being terrorised!

    DD3 and SIL have a lovely cat, who they got a couple of years ago, aged about one. Last year they moved into a terraced house with a small back yard. It is a nice quiet street which doesn't lead anywhere so no through traffic. Lots of cats seem to live down there, and sometimes when driving down we have to slow right down to allow a cat sleeping in the road to get up!
    DDs cat has co existed with the other cats with no real problems.

    Recently however there has been a new boy in town. A rather unpleasant unneutered tom seems to have moved into the area, and has it in for our cat (and possibly others, we don't know) my OH fitted a cat door for them recently but they keep it locked as the other cat terrorises ours through it!
    We have recommended the standard spraying with water to deter it but as the yard is short the cat is gone by the time they open the door.
    Poor puss all she wants is to be happy on her own property!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Aww poor puss, I'm sure someone will have a solution , when my BIL had a problem he had a big water shooter on the bedroom window sill so he could squirt it before the cat noticed him , it did help for a while but didn't stop the bully cat all together , then it just stopped coming so not sure what happened to it .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oh poor puss, nasty bully, I am afraid I do not have any solutions other than already suggested. Perhaps sharpen her claws.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        A very radical solution - capture the cat, get him neutered.

        A bit less radical - attach a collar with a note to the owners asking if they know their cat is terrorising nicely brought up lady cats, and would they consider neutering him.

        I'm not being flippant, but they are the only solutions I can think of.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          We had a lady
          day call today to ask if we had a ginger cat , we havnt, she had come down the farm track with her baby in pushchair which is the back of our house and we always keep the gate locked. Apparently there is a deceased cat at the back outside our fence, I feel so sorry it must belong to someone but dont know anybody in our road with a ginger cat, I havnt had a look it's too upsetting not sure what we should do I am hoping the farmer will spot it and deal with it, I think he might have been knocked down by someone driving down the lane


            I saw a tv programme that mentioned a micro chipped cat flap which only opens for your own cat. They cost £45+ so quite pricey. Not nice when there is a bully on the block.


              Storm could help protect the cat flap 😀😀
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              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                We have had an ongoing problem with bullying tom cats . Our little cat has suffered a lot with cats like that , and that all started when we moved here. The vet bill for her has run to well over £100 for stress related problems because of it. The best solution we have come up with so far is a water pistol. At first it was a success, well I say success. It only works if the water pistol is preloaded with water with the pistol ready pummel up with pressure..... and the door is unlocked , otherwise the sound of me rattling keys is enough to make the cat/cats flee before I get a shot ...... oh and I have my shoes on as it is usually raining..... oh and as it is usually early morning I have my dressing gown on (modestly at all times ) .... and not forgetting that I have my glasses on ! By the time I have done all that the suspects have left the crime scene!
                Shemadee my neighbour has a micro chip cat flap and it isn't a great success. If the flap doesn't shut completely other cats can still get in. Last week we saw a neighbours cat coming out of her cat flap.
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  I forgot to add in my original post that she has been to the vet twice in the last few weeks with stress induced cystitis
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Oh poor little puss how awful for her she must be so traumatized,fully loaded water pistol seems to be the best solution here if you can get the door opened quickly enough.Oliver is now going out into our garden every day he is into everything now next door has 2 cats and he has marked his terrority but is not nasty he does play with them thank goodness Lynn my neighbour informed me yesterday he invited himself into her kitchen and used their litter tray for a wee I am so pleased she took it well and saw the funny side OH said at least he used the tray he is after all not used to weeing outside him being a pedigree chap he has standards
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      I think I told you all about when DD was giving birth in the living room , the bully cat came into the kitchen via the cat flap and the resulting fight was loud and furious , S I L had to desert his post to eject the enemy ! The Midwives were completely composed !The home cats were complacent and S I L remains their Hero


                        Good grief Aggie!!!!!

                        LOL @ Oliver, Glamma!

                        Poor puss and owners, Qwerty.

                        It is worth considering Daisy!

                        Thank you to everyone for your input and good suggestions.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Aggie - thanks goodness the midwives kept their composure. I don't suppose it was funny at the time, though!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Aggie I expect the cats were making more noise than your DD

