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Dog in trouble


    Dog in trouble

    DD rang, while Storm was waiting for SIL,S parents to pick him up today he decided to eat the middle of the sofa, a great big chunk out of the front of the back rest , He knows he's done wrong when DD came home to see the damage he sat with his head hung down and wouldn't look at her , lucky it's one of these patchwork sofas and she has cushions to match and she can upholster so she can repair it with the cushions ,but he's in big trouble. He has had a go at the Astro turf before but never the furniture , I keep telling them to get a kennel for the back garden and he can be left in that till one of us collects him , he's never left more than 1 hour so no idea why he's done this , I'm wondering if GS1 has spilt something on it and dog has smelt it leading him to scratch and bite fabric , either way DD & SIL are not happy with him tonight
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    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oma, naughty, naughty Storm! Thank goodness your DD can repair it.

    I know you and she have tried everything to stop this when he's on his own. As you say, it's for such short periods, he should be ok. It could be separation anxiety and a kennel in the garden probably won't help - he'll just howl, and then eat the kennel. Was it sunny - if a partch of sunlight or a reflection off something caught his eye he might try to catch it. Rusty used to do this, the daft dog. It was so bad we had to cover his silvery ID disc with micropore because he kept trying to chase the reflections from it!

    The other thing - a bit of a long shot - have they taken him to the vets to have his teeth and mouth checked? If say a tooth hurts he might chew to ease the pain.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      He only had his dental check last week as it happens Daisy , he does have a habit of throwing his toys on the sofa and playing with them there , he scratches at them and DD just been on the phone said shes wondering if while he was playing hes scratched the fabric and its torn slightly so hes maybe been able to get hold of a fragment and pulled it leading him to tear and scratch more . she has a huge heavy throw shes going to use when she repairs it so he doesn't get to it again , Shes very laid back about things and said well no one got hurt or died so its not the end of the world . I'm not sure I would stop being angry so quickly , although hes so adorable its hard to stay angry at him for long , we so soft hearted when it comes to this dog its shocking
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma - You big softies!!! LOL I'm glad he's not suffering dental problems, and it's quite likely it started by accident then became a great game! You can't stay mad at them for long though!

        She could always install one of those little cameras if she wants to find out what starts him off.

        Eva is batty, too. She runs upstairs with a toy and then deliberately chucks it down again to chase it!
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          He brightens our day Daisy , I didn't want her to get a dog she already has the cats but from day one we were all in love with him , these pets make you smile even when your not feeling good or in the best of moods don't they He does that with his ball , when he stays over with us I hide it otherwise all night hes up and down the stairs after it
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oh dear!! Naughty boy
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oma, i'n not sure i would be as calm as yout DD.My hubby certainly wouldn't.
              I know pets are part of the family, and we do love them (we have had pets in the past),
              No offence Oma,but this would be a step too far for me.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Nanto if it was my sofa I would be thinking the same to be honest , we love him dearly but as you say a step to far , but DD has taken it calmly so we cant say much although I will be nagging her to get a kennel , hes bred for outdoors hes a Husky and spends most of his day outside so leaving him the garden with shelter for a short time alone wont hurt him .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Naughty Storm. I suppose your DD thinks when the damage is done it's done so no point stressing over it.It's good she can repair it though and it'll go down in family history as "Do you remember that time when Storm took a chunk out of the sofa? "


                    Clover SIL was furious and I must say B would have been too but your right its done now , it wont be forgotten though that's for sure
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      The trouble is, you can't be cross with a dog for long - well I can't. That look that says "sorry, Mum, I didn't mean to be a total plonker" melts my heart every time. but you're right, Oma, Huskies are bred to be outdoors and I'm sure a kennel wouldn't do him any harm, but remembering how he treated the cat flap ......
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Hahaha I do Daisy 😁😁😁 so funny he can't even get his head in now , but he does try 😀 DD said he woke her this morning with a big lick then laid his head on the bed with his big eyes and she just had to kiss and cuddle him , SIL still isn't happy with him though 😊
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Not happened to me thankfully, but Shiloh has chewed plaster off the kitchen doorway when he was younger that is why he is crated if we go out. A crate is a worthwhile investment as he could have seperation anxiety.
                          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                            He won't go in a crate Libra he gets very stressed wee,s and poo,s and howls the house down , can't even close off a room as he will just scratch till either he gets door open or does damage , he's not one to be shut in 😕
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oh dear Oma, what a shame. Luckily we've never had a problem with Dexter but he was crate trained right from the beginning. He loved his little "house" and would go in it when he was left alone. I think he felt secure with his blanket and toys in there. He doesn't use it now he is older (3) but is fine on his own. No help to you,now, I know. Maybe a trainer could help with the separation anxiety.
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

