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    Storm loves Buzz and he,s desperate to be friends and play like he does with Tally, he keeps taking his toys to Buzz in hope , But Buzz is having none of it he just constantly chases poor Storm around the room and gives him a good beating , he hides in and on top of things to catch Storm unaware,s and DD is sure she sees him grinning when he's doing it ,
    Lately Storm has been waking DD or SIL during night to move Buzz as the little devil has taken to sleeping in Storm, s bed if Storm doesn't get there first or has gone for a drink ,
    Yesterday Buzz did something that shocked DD , They came to ours yesterday tea time for about 1 hour when they got back home Buzz had pooed in Storms bed 😲 now even as a kitten Buzz never did his business in the house let alone on anything , DD said it was as though he was trying to blame it on Storm and get him into trouble , he is such a naughty cat but no matter what he does Storm is still in love with him although terrified at the same time 😊
    DD has no idea how to tackle this as no matter what she tries Buzz just doesn't like Storm to be fair he's not keen on Jasper or Tally either yet he's a very loving cat
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oh that is naughty.
    It seems as though Buzz is giving Storm some message (as in Go Away!) or your DD the message that he , although a cat, is top dog and this actual dog should go.
    One of my cats, my little tomboy who went totally deaf a year or so ago, is a bit like this, in that she wants to be our only cat. She will bat the other 2 around the head whenever she can and gives evil stares if visitors pet them not her!
    Poor DD, I don't envy her this problem Oma.
    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem he thinks he's the only one , the only time he backs down is if Jasper comes home he will just sit and watch his every move and won't challenge Jasper,s role in the house , mind you Jasper is a big lad and a street wise alley cat 😊 Buzz although he doesnt like Tally hes not threatened by her she's a tiny delicate shy cat, she loves Storm and let's him lick her till she's soggy bless her .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma - I've never had a cat, but remember reading somewhere that cats will do this (ie 'go' in the wrong place) if they are stressed. Perhaps Buzz isn't naughty, but actually afraid/stressed and his aggression towards Storm is another symptom of it. Is it possible to separate them within the house for a few days to see if that makes a difference. If I were your DD I'd definitely try and find a cat behaviour expert to help.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy Storm is never in the house during the day unless DD or SIL are in he,s usually with us or SIL,s parents from early morning till late night , she did ask her vet today and she said he,s just a bully and has seen this behavior before .
          He is a bit funny if SIL is too near DD too he pushes himself in between them and turns his back on SIL ,
          Funny thing is he will quite happily share a bowl of food with Storm if DD puts a bowl on the floor with treats in they will both eat at the same time , there doesnt seem any sense to it really , Vet couldnt give any advice but did laugh when DD told her about him stealing the bed
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oh poor Storm,unrequited love is so painful. I think that cat is getting too big for his paws.


              Oh dear, Oma. It's very complicated isn't it. Actually I think the vet was a bit naughty to laugh - vets don't get much training in animal behaviour, unless they've got a personal interest in it. It's the same with diet - they often just follow the blurb put out by the pet food manufacturers. It sounds a bit as though Buzz doesn't really love any of the animal in your DD's house, perhaps he does want to be the only animal in the house.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Sounds as if Buzz is stressed and isn't coping with sharing your DD's family affection, I feel sorry for him, lots of love and petting needed but then I don't live there
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant he gets lots of cuddles but still wants more , he also terroris, the neighbourhood cats not one dares to go in their garden and he will often be seen chasing cats up the street 😊it's not like he's never lived with other animals as when DD took him in she already had 3 cats a house rabbit a gerbil and looked after her friends dog when she had to go on regular business trips , he was my D'S cat who was knocked over and he went to recover at DD house and stayed.DD said she will see how he goes in next week or too then she's going to maybe see a cat behavior specialist
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma - I do feel sorry for Buzz, Oma. I wonder if his behaviour is caused by his accident?
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Well he did have a head injury too Daisy.
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        That's what I was wondering! Plus he must have been in pain, and moved from your son's to your daughter's for convalescence. It was a sensible thing to do, but from his point of view, I suppose it was alien territory. Cats are very much home bodies aren't they? Dogs are easier in a way - as long as they are with their humans the actual place doesn't seem to bother them much.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          He was only about 12 weeks old at the time Daisy he has escaped out of the front door before they could get him he ran into the road , we were surprised he wasn't killed at the time , so he's been with them 5 years now
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small

