This is Zebedee. He was found as a stray in the grounds of a local Manor House which is used as a hotel and wedding venue. I cannot believe that no one has claimed him. He is a Devon Rex and yes they are supposed to look like that
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Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
Sometimes the 'M' is silent.
Awww, bless him. His expression says 'I don't smile for that camera thingy' I hope he finds a good and loving home, although I'm sure you will find it hard to say goodbye to him.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
If I was allowed I would adopt him but husband says no more animals because I get so stressed when I leave them to go anywhere (as in weekends away and holidays) but then in my defence my last old boy was very, very old.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Owning pets is hard Zizi especially emotionally. I felt the same way with mine especially as they got older and more set in their ways. I felt their routine was more important than anything. Also they are a tie. I like fostering but it is hard parting with them too. This one is going to be particularly difficult to let go of.
Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
Sometimes the 'M' is silent.
BL - I also think it get harder when they are in their twilight years, especially if they aren't in perfect health. We're lucky that my friend comes and stays with Eva when we go away, but we've only left her for 2 single nights so far. Either of our DSs would have her as well. I feel quite protective of her since she's a rescue dog - suddenly being abandoned by her first family must have left scars. I don't think I would ever kennel her.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
BL what a handsome chap so strange he has not been missed and had people out looking for him I would be out of my mind with worry if Oliver or Poppy strayed I even have a notice
on my front door now for anyone visiting to wait until I have closed the lounge door to stop little ones escaping,better safe than sorry.
Yes Glam we too were very surprise that no one claimed him. We made lots of enquiries, local vets, FB pages, some Devon links I have too. The Devon owning U.K. population is small so I thought some other owners might have heard something. If he were my cat I'd be calling out air/sea rescue after ten minutes. He is a very sweet and affectation boy too. All very odd.
Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
Sometimes the 'M' is silent.
An odd place for a cat to be found, the receptionist looked out and there he was on the lawn on the edge of the car park. No chip sadly although a chip doesn't alway give the answer as often owners don't update details when thy move or change mobile numbers. Many a time the chip info has led precisely nowhere. They are only as good as the database records.
Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
Sometimes the 'M' is silent.
BL - you'd think a pedigree cat would be chipped, wouldn't you. I'm not saying it doesn't matter about chipping moggies - they are just as precious, but a pedigree is more likely to be stolen. Perhaps that's what's happened - he's escaped from a cat thief, and is a long way from his home. He is adorable. xx
When we got Eva from a rescue centre they ordered her tag with our phone number, theirs, my mobile and DS2's mobile.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "