My DD and family have wanted a dog for a long time and have carefully thought about it,weighed up the pros and cons and discussed it as a family. A few weeks ago they answered an advert. from a legitimate breeder who was offering Cavapoo puppies for sale. This is the breed the family had researched and decided on as this breed are less likely to cause allergies and my DD is inclined that way. Anyway all went well,the pups were born,a little bitch chosen and paid a deposit on. Last week the family visited the pup and obviously fell head over heels in love with their little one.My GD was beside herself with excitement.
Then it all went wrong. The breeder contacted DD and basically said they couldn't have the pup as GS has ASD! She said she couldn't let a boisterous pup go to a child with Autism.Absolute Rubbish. Finn is a gentle ,caring boy and most authorities agree often a special bond develops between these children and the dog,beneficial to all concerned.
The whole family was most upset and my GD was devastated and cried all evening.I realise the breeder has the best interests of her dogs at heart,but to let things get so far before pulling out for what we think is not a legitimate reason was grossly unfair.
Then it all went wrong. The breeder contacted DD and basically said they couldn't have the pup as GS has ASD! She said she couldn't let a boisterous pup go to a child with Autism.Absolute Rubbish. Finn is a gentle ,caring boy and most authorities agree often a special bond develops between these children and the dog,beneficial to all concerned.
The whole family was most upset and my GD was devastated and cried all evening.I realise the breeder has the best interests of her dogs at heart,but to let things get so far before pulling out for what we think is not a legitimate reason was grossly unfair.