We have never had pets for years we did have a dog when we were younger for a short while he was lovely but chewed everything and anything and had sepperation issues he was a rescue dog and just too much for a working couple with two small children so had to go back , then we had a bird who i loved dearly and was heart broken when he died suddenly . I vowed never to have another animal and i havent apart from the mess and smell we just couldnt cope with one now , Then Storm our GS`s dog came into our lives a few short weeks ago ,OMG im in love he is the best behaved beautiful funny puppy you could meet , my home is fast becoming a puppy play zone
we see him about 3 times a week and love having him , DD Josh and Storm have been this morning and yet again i have snot and lick marks on my patio windows and wet paw prints on my dining room floor where he has been rolling in the leaves , As i was yet again washing and cleaning after him i realised i was smiling and i didnt mind the mess at all . My theory is i get to have the pleasure of a dog but he goes back home after a few hours i dont have doggy smells and vet bills and walking to do so thats a good deal , Brian adores him , Being a Husky he is very vocal and him and Brian talk to each other its so funny , I now have dog bowls ,treats ,toys ,blanket etc in my cupboard how they sneaked in i have no idea they just seem to have appeared in my shopping trolley each time we went shopping
Between us Joshuas other Grandparents and DD house hold he is a very loved new addition to the family
